How to align layers with GIMP or other tool?

I’ve been using align_image_stack sporadically over the years, it outputs TIFF files but IIRC without metadata, so I copy over the metadata from the input files into the output files using ExifTool.

align_image_stack man page: align_image_stack man page - hugin-base - General Commands

align_image_stack --gpu -a ais_ -m -d -i -C -e 1.tif 2.tif 3.tif

-m = optimize field of view, useful for macro stacks.
-d = optimize radial distortion.
-i = optimize image center shift.
-C = auto-crop result.
-e = input image are fisheye.

To copy metadata: G'MIC request: keep exif info - #4 by Morgan_Hardwood

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