How to process photo-scanned B&W negatives?

I don’t know how “correct” this process is, just follow my eye. I have very little experience in digital scanning, but do have a whole box full of 35mm film waiting for me to work out whether I want to go the dslr or dedicated negative scanner route.

_DSF7709.raf.xmp (50.7 KB)

darktable 3.0.2
I start by comparing a snapshot of RGB curves inverted to the invert module. When using invert module, use the picker to select film strip border. When using RGB curves, bring the end points in til black is black, and adjust mid tones as desired. (Edit: should probably just use the invert module - have posted comparisons of the different methods here: inverting photos of color negatives with darktable - #42 by aurelienpierre)
Use white balance to make neutrals grey. This image was easier being black and white. Put a colour picker anywhere and adjust the r,g,b sliders til the r,g,b values of your colour picker are equal.
The rest is using preferred modules as per normal for desired tone, contrast, sharpening, etc…

You are certainly testing us with a tricky exposure! Should it be reversed, with the tree on the right?

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