How to save reference image for profiling

I would test your profile vs the default one and use then use the colorchecker mode of the CC module with each… You might find this novel tweak in DT which is much quicker than messing with profiles might be just a good… I use the exposure auto picker extensively to set exposure and this doesn’t work when you use custom icc profiles so this is my other reason for using the CC module if I want to correct color… I find setting it to 50% and doing a first run on the entire image is often a great starting point and if not I do it once more on a selected region or face or somethings that I want exposed nicely… one of the two is usually for me a perfect exposure and since I started doing this I am also far happier with the filmic results I get when I use it… I think often in the more distant past I never added enough exposure for this type of workflow…ie scene-referred using filmic…

DT chart is now working again… I took your image and created a style from it just to see what it would do… it did a nice job balancing the image which seemed to have a cooler wb as shot…

NEF.dtstyle (4.5 KB)