How to show Shiny & Sharp?

So we have photographic proof that translucent steel exists…

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When discussing fencing with those who don’t know the sport, I generally post this link. In this case to illustrate why, given the speed of the action and the illumination, it is difficult to get a good still image.

Oh, and for @Claes, this is cutting rather than poking :rofl:

EDIT: I should add that this is from the 2012 Olympics in London. I was a volunteer, I was on the video camera for the referees’ video replays.

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I responded to this, but I fear I was somewhat flippant, for that I apologise.

We have recently had a 2022 retrospective, and I and other people produce “Play Raw” pictures for people to play with. However, I wonder if there should be a new category, of which this is an example.

I see the post by @Claes as a challenge, given a subject then see what you can do to fulfil it.

I have always hated the tendency of photographic societies to concentrate on battles against other clubs rather than aiming to produce better photographs. I would appreciate a challenge category designed to test our skills. What do others think?

Anyway, here are a selection of photographs that attempt to fulfil the brief. They are all cooking related, the first two are for scoring bread dough (sometimes called grignettes) before baking. I’ll leave you to work out what the last one is.


Here is another, possibly closer to the brief


This is supposed to do the trick:

On a blunt knife, light is reflected from the edge.
On a sharp knife, there is no light reflections from the edge.

This is a blunt edge:

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Maybe use a diffuser to spread the light?

You can possibly produce some interference patterns with a sharp edge that you can’t do with a blunt one.