How would you do it differently

Your monitor must be pretty bright?? On my screen the tree line and much of the upper sky are really crushed…or is that by design??

the jpeg is much darker than my edit, they often are, I did darken blues and greens, just tried a png, it seems a hair lighter in the trees

For me its extreme and I loaded your xmp and its dark…at least for me… It would be interesting for others to comment… so I am not suggesting that I am by any means the gold standard and I am not sure how to show what I see vs what you might see… Is your monitor calibrated??

Just in case this shows it…

Your edit on my screen as a screen shot…

You are using 0.883 for exposure

Using the autopicker which I make a lot of use of… for the whole image set at 50%
It calculates 1.645 EV

THis is often my first look at an exposure for basic images but it will be impacted by the bright sky so I often take the sky out of the selection

Selecting only the fore ground you get around 2.2 EV

Which seems a bit more in the ballpark for overall exposure but now would require some tonal correction for shadows and highlights…

Like I said it just looks extremely dark and its not your export I don’t think as the xmp you provided give me a really dark image…

Maybe others will say my monitor must be too dark … :slight_smile:


I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve even used the menu on this monitor before, so pretty much factory settings, it’s not calibrated, I’m not sure I can even adjust the brightness, it’s greyed out, I have reduced 8ev by nearly a stop in the tone equalizer, and more of a cut to shadows than I normally do in colour balance

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (14.3 KB)


_6I_8267.jpg.out.pp3 (13.5 KB)

_6I_8267-1.jpg.out.pp3 (13.6 KB)


My fun with GIMP save Jpegli

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My version…

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (19.7 KB)


Thanks for sharing. Kept it simple this time, only a bit haze removal to the clouds

_6I_8267_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (16.9 KB)


Round 2… :see_no_evil:

_6I_8267_01.CR3.xmp (26.8 KB)


Looks nice with significant change in color grading.

darktable 4.6.1 + LUT Provia 100F

_6I_8267_03.CR3.xmp (20.2 KB)


Nice color palette!

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (22.8 KB)


I thought about how to really do it differently :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (25,2 KB)


there you go!!!

Quick try with the darktable 4.8 update:

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (16.8 KB)

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Here’s my take, fairly realistic but with a bit of tweaking. For example, the duller green / browns in the mowed area to the left seemed a bit out of place with the rest of the color mix, so I brought it up to better match. Tried to emphasize the clouds a tiny bit without getting HDR-ish. A very slight bluing of the distant trees to add a little depth. A few other tonal tweaks for eye-guiding as well (and a vignette). Plus a 16x9 crop that removes the rail at the bottom.

ART 1.22

_6I_8267.CR3.arp (37.6 KB)


The original shot is a little dark, IMO, but that may have been intentional to preserve highlights. I added +1EV and still didn’t blow anything.

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I think it’s just the heavy vignetting of the lens. It’s a recent lens designed for milc and that’s how they perform. It needs post processing to remove vignetting and distortion.

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You could test this and get a definitive answer by taking the same photo of a scene with the zoom set to its widest and do one photo with the lens hood on and one with it removed.