Howto use the new CLUT module

This sounds pretty awesome! I’m excited to try it out.

So, here are the converted dtstyles:

Here is a quick snapshot comparison with my haldclut module (left) and the color checker lut output (right), using Kodak Portra 160 emulation:

With the original haldclut:

With converted color checker lut:

The converted color checker lut seems to have a yellowish tint while also having a bit less contrast (dE=2.47971), so I guess there is still some room for improvement.

Let me know if you find this useful. :slight_smile:


Oh, I started work on something similar already. I’ll let you know how well my approach will work when done.

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Nice results looks pretty close, note that the difference might also be explained due to the fact that the modules are not in the same place in the pipeline. I mention this since the dE is only ~2.5 if that is max dE it should be very hard to tell any difference in real life pictures I think (a dE of 2 is a Just Noticeable Difference aka JND)

Anyway if this continue like this my tutorial/howto will soon be outdated (in a good way since it all becomes much easier)

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@dutch_wolf I am interested in using the HaldCLUT with darktable that I used with RawTherapee. I followed your video (thanks for sharing), I saw your script auto, but I can not compile it, I’m looking for the file hald_clut_4_with_gradient.pgm and .cht?
Or, can I find them?
Thank you very much.

Hi I didn’t make the script that is something @pkmx did for the cht and pgm files (although not sure if you need that particular one) those can be found here Dropbox - dt_chart_experiment_results.tar.gz - Simplify your life

Thanks for the files, it will advance my work.
Best regards.

Thanks again for the link to the files. I am able to work with testig_new exported in .pfm, I can load the .cht into dartable-chart.
I tried with a movie file and when I want to apply the file hald_clut_4_with_gradient.cht, I have: error parsing CHT file, (parse_cht: 364)

Not sure what you are trying to do there but the cht files is only for use with darktable-chart. If loading the file in darktable-chart gives errors I need to investigate what goes wrong.

EDIT: Okay indeed something goes wrong in both the release and git version of darktable-chart, although seems to be different things (release just gives the error, git version takes ages to load the cht file)

EDIT2: after some debugging and testing I have a new cht file that should work (remove the .txt extension .cht files are text files but only allowed to upload here with txt extension)hald_clut_4_with_gradient_v2.cht.txt (152 Bytes)

Thanks for the reply and the file. I try it and I tell you.

The debug script works perfectly. On the other hand, when I convert the .csv file to .dtstyle with darktable-chart and load it into the “style” tab of dartable, it does not load. It seems that there is a problem with with version 2.2.5?
Still thank you for the work done to run the script.
Best regards.

Can you upload the style somewhere?

I followed the tutorial of @dutch_wolf and added the 2 lines HDR00 and HDR01 to the .cvs file:
And then I used the darktable-chart command to get the .dtstyle file:

I just re-tested. The profile DTStyle is well download in “style” of darktable but with a single black patch.

That is no longer needed. Nowadays you can directly export the style from the GUI, the CSV part can be skipped.

After looking at your CSV file I noticed that there are extra ; at the end of the HDR lines. Once I removed those the style wasn’t all 0 any longer.

Edit: The colors are all wrong when using it though.

Thank you for telling me my mistake, sorry. I just fix but in the generated .dtstyle file if I apply it to a photo, I have only one patch in CLUT and the picture is black.

I managed to create a DTStyle directly with dartkable-chat by clicking on process and then on export.

A big thank you to all who helped me to overcome the creation of DTStyle. I have a PDF tutorial in French and I have it at your disposal if you are interested.

I just tried to compile the script for ./build does not end. There are compilation errors.
This script is compatible with version 2.2.5 of darktable.