Huawei DNG files and flat field correction in rawtheapee produces a purple vignette [solved]

Thank you!

Thank you all it worked it worked!!
This might be outside the Rawtherapee part of forum but I’ll try.
I saw that the fix came from Alberto and his ART editor - Thank you Alberto. So I went on his webpage for ART (which is great, both ART and the webpage) and looked under Commit, where it said that (in this case) Alberto Griggio committed 74f6161 2 days ago to fix black level computation for applying flat-field correction with two files changed: rtengine/rawimage.h and rtengine/ so I guess if I want to use ART I just wait for an appimage (or try and build one myself) with those new files included.
BTW Is there a Solved flag or anything like that to set now it is fixed?
Kind regards Mint

BTW Is there a Solved flag or anything like that to set now it is fixed?

I just [solved] it for you :slight_smile:

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

This one should work, if you are interested:

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Yes! You guys are too much!
Thank you everyone again!
Now I will try and look into colour management, ICC profiles etc… to try and lift the colours a bit onn the road to usable pictures from Huawei’s exotic DNGs