Human powered IR detector

Recently I’ve been experimenting with IR photography, but in conjunction with that, have made a really interesting discovery. The title says it:

So that’s how super-soldiers see in the dark! It’s all in the training.

More on the subject:

I can see in the dark, super-saturated reds and perhaps some IR (haven’t verified the last one). Does that make me a super soldier? :sunglasses:

Yes. Yes it does.

And I thought I’d made some outstanding discovery. Meh.

The link Morgan provided indicates that whether or not a person can “see” infrared is very dependent on power of source and the individual. Their test setup was much more complicated than mine. Mine is the version :slight_smile:

I’m still wondering about the night-time IR coming from the storefronts tho (even after closed and lights-out). It seems that security systems shouldn’t be powerful enough to be the cause …

Could you share some of your photos?

Every object absorbs, emits and / or reflects electromagnetic radiation. E.g., as humans, we emit absorb and emit IR and trace amounts of gamma. Lingering IR likely has to do with the residual heat from the store’s lights and HVAC.