I don't know how to try the dev releases

hi @marckquz, welcome to pixls.us!
Which system you are using? Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux? Which file did you download?

Hi, good to see you try even if it’s outside your comfort zone!

If you’re on Windows, did you download the zip or exe? You need the zip, extract it to a reasonable folder, and just run the RawTherapee.exe file from there. Perhaps create a shortcut on your desktop to facilitate this.

If you’re on Linux, download the AppImage. Open a terminal, navigate to the file, make it executable, chmod +x yourfile and then just run it.

For macOS, I’m not really up to speed on the exact instructions.

Those builds are pretty outdated. There’s some kind of issue with github and the builds.

In the thread linked above I was linked to another place for nightly builds. You have to unzip it into your program files and make a desktop shortcut. There are different builds, to figure out which one find out your CPU’s microarchitecture. If you don’t know, download CPU-Z and run it, look where it says “Code name” once its started. That’s the microarchitecture. IF none match, select the generic build.

I’m using Windows. And honestly I don’t think I downloaded the right file.

IMHO RawTherapee is very easy to handle. I just download the ZIP. Expand it to a folder. Click on the EXE. That’s all. No installation required. With that method you can have several version parallel, and ART if you want.

You need to get ZIP and NOT the EXE files!

I tried. Using this link I download a file but i can’t open or unzip it.

If i click the EXE from the folder it runs the version 5.8 which I already have installed.

No, it will run a dev version if you d/l a dev version.
Direct link: https://github.com/Beep6581/RawTherapee/releases/download/nightly/RawTherapee_dev_5.8-2983-g3f58095b6_20210604_win64.zip


The RawTherapee.exe runs the 5.8 version. Should I uninstall this version first?

I don’t know. I have 5.7 installed, but I almost like never use it, I always use one of the dev version. When I click the dev exe the dev version starts. You can try and rename the installed RawTherapee folder.

If you are on W10, you really should download and install 7zip. It’s a kind of standard for compression.
I use it as the compression is much better than using basic zip.
Then you can extract the directory where you want.

Regretfully, the automatic builds has some hiccups that prevent to build the last dev version.

The last dev version is 29 commits ahead of the official nightly build.

Well, I kept pressing the wrong button. Thank you!

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The EXE file works well, i’m such a noob and I kept pressing the wrong button. Thank you so much!

We all started that way, so don’t worry ! :wink:

Does that really matter? The ZIP or 7z is for 10 Seconds on my drive and then in the recycle bin :wink:

But while you are on the line, what are the different Windows builds for? How to know which one is the right one?

  • That really matters for me as first, I can keep a few builds (5XN) on my machine, second my upload times are less and third, for those who have a slow connection it will be more comfortable.

  • GCC can build for different target microarchitectures. The available instructions set (for instance vector operations) are thus used accordingly, permitting a specific optimization for the considered architecture and thus improving the speed. Don’t ask how much, as I cannot make benchmarks as some builds cannot work on my machine.

What I can say is that on my i7 6700K which has a Skylake micro architecture, the skylake build is significantly faster than the generic.
Now, there is a drawback as Intel tried to mess with microarchitecture names (which define the instruction set) and microprocessors family names. Even the GCC dev seem at loss.

For Ryzen 2 architecture it’s simpler, take znver2.
For Ryzen 3 there exist a znver3 option that I can build if requested.

So it’s like:

Ice Lake from 10th generation (seems only some CPU have it)
Skylake from 6th
Haswell from 4th
Generic 3th gen or older

I usually go for generic, I guess I should go for Skylake then, 6th gen is the oldest hardware I use.

Yes, but not so simple, as in a generation you can have different architecture I think. Icelake client is not applicable for instance to all 10th generation.

see x86 Options (Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC))

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10th gen was a disaster, a bunch of them were just rebadged/mildly tweaked 9th-gen due to all of the problems Intel had with 7nm rollout (or was it 10 that they faceplanted on? I can’t remember…) - for the most part 10th is an anomaly in that regard

Point is that I now know what to look for. Thank you! I have no Ice Lake hardware anyway. That info would be good as a one liner on the d/l page. That GNU link is way too long.

Anyway, YOUR d/l page is great, and thanks for ART too! (pity darktable has no Windows zip/7z folders)