Installing/using multiple AppImages of RawTherapee?

Is it possible to use the stable and the development snapshot version of RawTherapee in parallel, when using Linux and the AppImages provided on Rawtherapee’s website and Rawpedia?

When simply downloading both AppImages, they seem to cancel each other out: Each time one runs the development snapshot, the stable version is no longer registered in the system and needs to be manually launched again from the download directory (whereupon it asks to re-register itself in the operating system). On top of that, preferences aren’t shared between the two versions of the program.

Is there a good workaround for this issue?

This was done intentionally, in order to avoid the “pollution” of the preferences for the official release with those coming from a development snapshot.

I need to have a look into this. It might be possible, but I am not 100% sure. I will keep you informed.

Meanwhile, my suggestion would be to integrate the official release into the desktop, and run the development snapshots from the command line (or the opposite if you actually use the dev snapshots more frequently than the release…).