Is there a way to have an image reference side by side with the image you are currently processing?

Hi all,

I was wondering just that. I know about snapshots, and how you can take a snapshot of an image, and display it on another image, in split screen fashion. I was wondering if it is possible to have a reference image side by side with the image you are working on. For example, if you are trying to match the color grade of a different image.


What some people do for this would be shrink your reference image and then use the watermark module to overlay it on part of your image. It is not really what you want but I think the only way to get at this…people do this with swatches or color palettes…not sure if this would be useful to you but just throwing it out there

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You can do this using culling mode in the lighttable but not while editing an image in the darkroom, no.

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Thank you for the quick responses. Yeah, actually something like the culling mode in the darkroom would be what I was looking for… pity. I don’t know how hard something like a side by side view for snapshots would be to implement, or if it is even of interest to the devs, but that would really be handy to me. Perhaps in the future.

I too would like to see this function.

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If it’s a copy of the same image then using the snapshot function moves from version to version. Or if you long click on one of the other versions in the “duplicate manager” module in the darkroom you can swap between the 2 versions.

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Actually the snapshot function works even with different images; create a snapshot, switch to a different image, turn the snapshot on - both are side-by side, and you can do your edits as needed.


Thanks for the replies @Karl and @David_LaCivita! I’m aware of those functions, but I was specifically asking for a side by side situation. Side by side meaning, full picture on both sides. What @Karl shows in his screenshot is more of a split screen, which is not the most elegant solution for what I was talking about (aka copying a color grade from a reference image).

The current snapshot split screen works well for viewing before-after of the same image, but is not the best for working with reference images, in my opinion.

You can use the color picker. Select an area in one image and add the selected color (usually the mean value of the area) and add it to the live samples.
Then you can switch to the second image, select an area with a similiar color and add it to the live samples, too.
Then you have two color values to work with. You can adjust the colors in the second image to a precise value of the original.

When you look at two images your eyes can be some kind of misleading. In the example above (flower and dog) the intense yellow and red color can mislead your eye on the right image: is the white area around the dog’s nose a neutral white?

A while ago I wrote about a similar approach to match skin color to a reference palette.


Thanks for the link @pphoto. Yes, you are right that the color picker is an objective tool to help you match the colors of two pictures. I just don’t think this is an either or situation. It would be great to be able to have both pictures side by side, and still use the color picker to match colors without having to switch back and forth.

Something like this is what I mean:

I don’t know how easily this could be implemented, or if this would be the best solution, but it would be enough for me.

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