JPEG XL file format

Oh wow! That thread has Jon Sneyers and Jyrki Alakuijala, the lead devs if I remeber correctly, answer stuff. It is so rich in information. Thanks for that link!
IMHO this is a must read.

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I’ve been playing about with JPEG XL for a while, now - fantastic format. I use an Arch-based distro with KDE Plasma, and there’s a plugin available that provides JXL support to all of my KDE apps - as well as GIMP and FEH!

I can’t believe Google have dropped support for it in Chromium!


Someone is trying to revert the Chromium commit that added the JPEG XL deprecation note... 👀

— Jon Sneyers (@jonsneyers) November 30, 2022

JPEG XL support has entered the top 10 of most requested Chromium features:

Specifically in the Blink component (the actual browser engine itself), it's currently in the top 4 and could enter the top 3 soon:

— Jon Sneyers (@jonsneyers) November 30, 2022

I must have something wrong… I noticed for some time that libjxl was listed as not found when I was building. I never used it so I wasn’t worried but after reading this thread I went and added it to my system from msys2 packages. DT finds it during the build and I have no errors. I have the option in export… I tried a few settings but it seems to just hang while trying to export. I can cancel the exports without any crashing or issues so I must be still missing something??


Ah seems to be working now…took a restart and second try… now I just have to see how to manage them in windows XNviewMP seems to read them fine

From here:


Does this seem safe any thoughs??

Or any other ways to add this support to Win11 anyone knows of??

I always disable thumbnails in windows so i didn’t go looking for a thumbnail handler.

I use irfanview as a viewer , which handles jpeg xl (you do have to enable it somewhere because it’s still an experimental feature ).

Well it enables WIC so that you can use it in many apps and the os…so it initially was a thumbnail provider but it adds support beyond that…

I usually use Faststone but this one was mentioned…

I tried it. Meh… Looks like a phone app running on the desktop. HUGE widgets, strange clumsy UI, IMO. Uninstalled. Nowhere near the level of FastStone nor XnView MP.

Thx…you saved me the effort… :slight_smile:

I wholeheartedly agree, Jon.

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I found this Firefox extension, but it doesn’t seem to work for me:

I tried it out here, but none of the JXL images are displayed:

So far, it seems, Pale Moon is still the only web browser to support the format natively by default, (albiet minus animation or progressive decoding):

What a shame.

EDIT: Sorry; instead of ‘natively,’ I meant ‘by default.’

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Animations work for me in Opera.

The reason it isn’t working in Firefox is that Firefox, itself, was not built and compiled with the necessary library support. Firefox is capable of using JPEG XL, but only if it is built to do so.

Source: I asked why it didn’t work in the support forum for my distro, Arch Linux. That is what they told me.

@chaimav : That’s very true; most of the major browsers provide support to some degree behind a flag, but none as yet support the format both comprehensively and by default.

@Tim: That’s also very true; however, I was hoping that the extension would do exactly that (I must admit, I’m somewhat confused).

“The algorithm is described in a post titled “Open sourcing spotlight model” on Google’s open source blog… and here’s the irony, and that’s why the conditional mood was used in the previous paragraph. Because this feature uses the new JPEG-XL image format - the one Google has said it will remove from future versions of Chrome back in October.”

In my case, Google Chromy and Edge reopen jxl

JPEG XL and .webp support — all apps now support both import and export of JPEG XL and .webp files.

THis seems to work for me…


Here’s where we are regarding browser JPEG XL support — from the man himself:


Safari to support JPEG XL? Well, that’s somewhat ironic! Great news nonetheless!


Yes, that’s the last browser I’d have expected to be first with JPEG-XL.

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Amazing news! Now let’s see if it can properly handle HDR images. Currently, HDR AVIF images are not rendered correctly in macOS (highlights are clipped), unlike e.g. EXR images.

I might give one of the later public betas a try (and report any issues encountered).