L*a*b adjustment

I opened my RAF File but nothing works in Lab adjustments tab. Even if I move the lightness slider from 0 to 100 it doesn’t change anything. Exposure controls seem to work but nothing in Lab adjustments. What am i doing wrong? I am a newbee to this system

Have you activated the ‘power’ button for Lab adjustments?


indeed…got it thx!

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Not the first time new users stumble on this particular design “feature”.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: could you turn that into a constructive criticism, please?

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The module enable/disable does not have enough contrast to get noticed when it is in a disabled state.

In ART there is the option to have tools greyed out when the power button is inactive. Is this available in RT? It stops you making that mistake. I know not everybody likes this which is why it is an option but perhaps it is a good default for newcomers. Or could tools just become activated when you adjust them? I think this may have been discussed elsewhere but I can’t remember what decision was made or why…

From what I have read, having the power button turned off by default, as it is now, allows you to move the sliders of the tools without affecting the CPU - RAM (and thus, not losing time when you move them).
When you are satisfied, you turn it on the power button and all the changes are applied.
By doing so, at first, you don’t lose time (due to the hardware involved) with big RAW images because no change is applied until the power button is turned ON.

It is useful for power users but it is quite often a problem for new users.
It suffices to read this forum for realizing how many times this problem arises.

Thanks, yes I remember now. I guess it depends on whether the developers consider whether the default should cater for ‘power users’ or more novice users. Perhaps just more contrast in the buttons, as suggested above, would keep everybody happy…

Maybe it’s just a matter of adding the disabled state to MyExpanderTitle into the code and style it with css?

Just another suggestion…

Hello @XavAL

Maybe it’s just a matter of adding the disabled state to MyExpanderTitle into the code and style it with css?

IMHO, having an option in the Preference panel to unable-disable the “power” buttons at start-up would be a big improvements for new users. For these users, these buttons should be always turned on when you launch RawTherapee.

Maybe there is some more important technical reason for which it has never been adopted as a long-term solution?

As far as I can think of there is no technical reason why mostly everything is off. But I don’t think there is any image or raw processor that has all its tools enabled by default.
Pick what you need is the motto.

Hello @Thanatomanic

But I don’t think there is any image or raw processor that has all its tools enabled by default.

Yep. I suppose it would be difficult to decide which buttons shoud be ON or OFF at start-up :slight_smile:

if a module is “on”, wouldn’t that result in its processing being done? if most modules are “on”, that would result in a large amount of unrequested processing.

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Hello everyone,

The “power buttons” topic has been discussed at length these past years since there are often new users who get confused as to “why the tools are not working?”. For instance, see this post: