Lago dei cavalli

When seeing your first pic, I was wondering where the “lago” is.

But now I see:

P1000821.RW2.xmp (13.9 KB)


It is in the second picture too, the second picture was taken behind the trees in the center of the third image

Yes, I saw that. It was just funny when I read the title, clicked on the thread and only saw the first image.
Beautiful pictures. I will develop the other ones, too. Just got darktable 3.2 .1 on Archlinux :slight_smile: .

P1000821.jpg.out.pp3 (13.6 KB)

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… and the next one:

P1000786.RW2.xmp (11.2 KB)


… and #3:

P1000789.RW2.xmp (15.2 KB)

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That’s a nice trio.

lago.dei.cavalli.rw2.xmp (14.7 KB) darktable 3.2.1

Might have a go at one or both of the other ones if time permits.


P1000786_01.RW2.xmp (10.5 KB)

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Thanks for sharing!
I tried to remove the overall blue cast in the third image what resulted in a deep green Lago :thinking:
Hopefully the result is not too bad!

P1000821_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (14.7 KB)

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nice pictures, thanks for posting my take
DT 3.0.2

P1000786_03.RW2.xmp (15.4 KB) P1000789_01.RW2.xmp (9.0 KB) P1000786_01.RW2.xmp (15.8 KB)


I am still a beginner, but I tried my darktable filmic workflow on these.

P1000786.RW2.xmp (6.9 KB)
P1000789.RW2.xmp (8.3 KB)
P1000821.RW2.xmp (7.9 KB)


P1000786.RW2.xmp (17.3 KB)


lago.dei.cavalli.2.rw2.xmp (19.6 KB) darktable 3.2.1

I find this a tough one to edit. I don’t have a clue what it is that @age actually saw when taking this shot. Was it really that blue/turquoise? How much of the haze was seen. How about the greens that should be there. Did the sun just peek over the mountain range…

All in all I would put my edit in the artistic freedom category :slight_smile: Hope it is liked anyway…

These are nice shots to play with: Thanks age!


Yes :blush: , maybe very very slightly more green (emerald?) like a big swimming pool.
However I can’t get the real color, i think it falls outside the srgb gamut.

A lot, the haze was very strong with an overall blueish scene, pratically no details on the left and low contrast but with high saturation

This is pretty much what my eyes have seen

for comparison a few hours earlier

yes! :muscle:t2:

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My “artistic” interpretation of these photographs, with no attempt at reality!


Still had one to go:

lago.dei.cavalli.3.rw2.xmp (15.6 KB) darktable 3.2.1

Arguably (?) the toughest edit of the three. It’s hard to keep the saturation, especially the sky, in check. And then there is the hard line between sky and mountains; Just about everything you do needs to be checked for fringing, aberrations and other abnormalities. Still think my edit makes this line a bit too hard, but I had to choose between this or other “evils”.


Beautiful scenery!

P1000821.RW2.xmp (61.3 KB)

darktable 3.2.1


Another try at one of the photographs - this time by processing the raw to bright and dark images and then blending them. Followed by a small amount of adjustment in GIMP.

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My favourite of the three

P1000789.RW2.xmp (37.6 KB)

darktable 3.2.1


@Soupy, that one is my favorite, too. You did a great job with the foreground shadows.

PS - Heh, I just looked back at mine, and my foreground shadows look great, too. I actually hadn’t even noticed them when I was doing my editing. :crazy_face: