Inspired by “Winging It” series of Alan Schaller.
@Underexposed I looked up “Winging It” and thought it should get a link posted!
Good idea.
Thanks. What a fantastic forum here
Thanx. That’s one of very few episodes i have missed. I don’t know why …
. Interesting. I don’t really like the foggy / dust overlay thing. But this rock like look underneath is cool. Thanx.
I like b/w in general but I don’t seem to get it right. Especially in DT all my grayscale Images end up dull and boring. Maybe something to learn for the next lockdown …
Thanks. I am glad you appreciated it, and not, at the same time. The kind of response I wanted. Call it computational and creative post processing.
The crop is from my algorithm for choosing an interesting focus and the effect is from playing with the fast Fourier transform. I like how the edge of the chimney is still showing, hinting that something is there but not showing it. The crisscross is due to the dominant lines; particularly the roof. The fog and crisscross evokes the terrible weather that non-humans encounter regularly, while us humans (not the marginalized) get to shelter under a roof.
A whole bunch of modules thrown at the picture.
DSC_0169_05.NEF.xmp (34.5 KB)
Edits: I forgot to use denoise so I replaced the original image with a new one, but forgot to replace the xmp. Fixed.
For someone who wants to study retouch, there’s a lot done here.
Nice and interesting crop
Looks like an old building covered in coal dust, nice
I thought about fft looking at your picture.
This algorithm about selecting interesting crops is cool. Can I read more about it anywhere ?
It is one of my private commands. Has been sitting there for a long time. Don’t think it is ready for public release. In the meantime, you can check out my Edge filter in GIMP-G’MIC (Testing/afre/Edge or afre_edge
in CLI), which it is based on. Basically, strong edges are interesting areas. Here is the result without the FFT processing.
@sotsoguk Thanks, a great picture to work with; the bird sequence is a once-in-a-lifetime capture. When cropping, we are supposed to think of what is really important in the picture. Obviously the birds, but that brick is so good too. So I tried another crop.