Local adjustments - Cam16 and Log encoding improvments

I made new changes to the PR regarding the “lacam16n” branch.


These changes concern the “Pre-ciecam” module of “LA Cam16” and its equivalent in “Abstract profile”.
I also added a new “working profile” “JDCmax stdA” which has the same primaries as JDCmax, but a white point moved from D50 to stdA.

You will find in the 2 modules associated with the primaries:

  • a gamut control, which is particularly useful for significant changes in primaries.
  • a chromatic adaptation which may be necessary when changing primaries with the choice between Bradford, Cat16, Cat02, Von Kries, XYZ scale
  • a “Refinement color” which acts on what some call “purity”, on the gap between the white point and the colors. I voluntarily left the maximum action possible even if it is not always necessary.
    We find some of these similar principles in ART 1.21 and in Darktable where debates took place.

One of the differences is that RT acts on the XY coordinates of the CIExy diagram (Rx Ry, Gx, Gy, Bx, By) accompanied by visibility on the CIExy diagram as well as the white point, while the others cited use coordinates polar (rotation, attenuation).
Other differences are linked to the design, in RT you can also act on the TRC (Tone response Curve) and the illuminant (stdA, D50, D65, etc.).

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