Unfortunately, I don’t know how to make the white balance present “camera present” as Style, without having it copying the exact values, instead of computing it for each photo (maybe a question for https://discuss.pixls.us/c/software/darktable/19 ? ).
For the exposure module, you could make it automatic with a tendency to the right, like this:
00 Test_IMG1107_1.dtstyle (1.8 KB)
As anything automatic it will not fit every photo.
If you find the JPEGS already OK, take a look a this thread: Why aren't we utilizing embedded previews more in Darktable? - #65 by Spike - Some RAWs (at least from Canon - including yours) seem to already embed the full resolution Camera JPEG. A program like ERawP can easily extract the JPEGs from the RAWs. You could after only work on the RAWs that don’t quite satisfy you or are special to you.