Making thumbnail selections in lighttable more evident

Hi all,

I find the current way of highlighting selected thumbnails in lighttable (elegant-grey-theme) a bit hard to see: it is a shade of grey just a bit lighter than the non-selected images. Is there a quick way to tweak the interface to make it more evident (e.g. maybe making the background of each thumbnail light yellow or orange, or even just changing the color of the outer frame of the thumbnail)? I know that the elegant-grey interface aims at making the working environment less likely to introduce biases in evaluating contrast and color, but this would only affect the lighttable, where no editing is done.

thanks for any suggestion

If you add this to the Preferences → General → modify css you can tweak the background of the (non) selected thumbnails:

/* Set background for tumbnails */
@define-color thumbnail_selected_bg_color @grey_90;
@define-color thumbnail_bg_color @grey_50;

EDIT: I changed my suggestion. Pehar’s solution is simpler.

Goto preferences → general → field for CSS tweaks
The relevant setting in darktable-elegant-grey-theme is

@define-color thumbnail_selected_bg_color @grey_80;

You can modify the color matching your taste by just pasting this line and changing @grey_80 to any other color you like.

You might also want to have a look at My personal darktable theme. - for infos with tweaking the css and an interesting theme.

Hmm, he talks about elegant-grey theme and the theme you pointed is based on darker one.

@Jade_NL @pehar @sushey @Nilvus : thank you very much for your suggestions, this one was easy!
