master build help

The build script checks for mandatory and optional dependencies, and stops if any of mandatory ones are missing. Check the build log for details (including optional dependencies).

The version code on the GUI will match the output of git rev-parse HEAD (with a g prefix), and will change every time you build with new code on master.

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Thanks. Not quite smooth sailing yet then, seems I’m missing a few optional dependencies that I’d like to have. What I don’t understand is that synaptic says these are all installed, so why didn’t the darktable build script find them?


There’s also a bunch of things libraw will not be complied with, including lcms support, even though I have lcms2. I notice further down the log it says lcms2 was found, so I guess these are disabled in libraw by design?

For building, you usually need packages with a dev prefix or suffix. So for gmic, look for gmic-dev, and so on.

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That got it, thanks!
And font problem was solved by installing some fonts.

One other thing, I notice darktablerc appears in both ~/darktable/share/darktable and ~/.config/darktable. The one in config has 3x more lines, but there is a lot of overlap. I guess it overrules the other in places their values differ?

Yes, the files in share directories (such as /usr/share or /usr/local/share) provide ‘Architecture-independent (shared) data’, including configuration defaults.

In the end I went with this

#git clone --depth 1 --branch release-4.4.2 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules

because it seems the integration submodule when I attempt to clone in full results in network problem on this poor connection that I can’t fathom. The command above get shallow for all submodules.

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I tried afresh yesterday and it failed again - so the success I had before was a fluke and not due to any changes made in the ssh or git configs. I tried again today with --shallow-submodules and it worked! That seems to be the key, thanks!

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I noticed when I run git pull --depth 1 --rebase

I get the following:

 + fcbe7dd...6bed627 master     -> origin/master  (forced update)
error: Could not read 30237129f8fe25538f91980c49c996c1378b582c
error: Could not read 30237129f8fe25538f91980c49c996c1378b582c
error: Could not read 30237129f8fe25538f91980c49c996c1378b582c
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.

What is that error, is it important?