Median stacking in the Darktable - noise reduction

You can still download and archive LR, right?

Note: I don’t use Lua, but went through the installation process to write this.

To get the scripts:

  1. Get git for your OS (how: read the docs linked above)
  2. Enable the script manager, and install scripts:
  3. You’ll see many console windows popping up for a few moments, don’t be scared. Just wait until it’s over.
  4. Make sure action = start/stop scripts is selected with category = contrib, and switch (arrow keys) to the page of the desired script:
  5. Click the desired script, so it starts. You’ll see:
  6. Select your images, then in the lighttable’s export module, select target storage = image stack, set the executables (you’ll have to get two tools, see darktable lua documentation - image_stack). You’ll need to set the paths to the executables only once.
  7. Set the other params as desired. See the script’s docs for details: darktable lua documentation - image_stack.
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