Mini Yuletide Riddle...


In Sweden, it is December 24th that is The Real Yule day, not the 25th as in other parts of the world. That is purely for logistic reasons, giving me and my helpers additional time to visit all that have been nice and have eaten their spinach each day.

While you wait, how about a Mini Yuletide Riddle?

What is the connection between Kirsty MacColl and Terry Pratchett?

Have fun!
Santa Claes

Well, I have read Terry Prachetā€™s Discworld quite some time ago. Had to search on Google to see that the reference in Soul Music is from Kristy McColl song.

  • Susanā€™s friend swears the new boy at the fish shop is ā€œelvishā€ (ā€œThereā€™s A Guy Works Down The Chip Shop Swears Heā€™s Elvisā€ by Kirsty MacColl)

Is that it? Merry Christmas!

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Well done, :sparkles: @Shreedhar :sparkles:.

Here is a follow-up question:
Kirsty MacCollā€™s song never became a hit in the USA,
presumably because in the States, very few know what
a chip shop is. So, Kirsty recorded a new version in
a muted tempo, where ā€œElvisā€ worked somewhere else.

Where did he work?

Have fun!
Santa Claes

Thanks to this riddle I ended up finding a Reddit thread on Discworld jokes I missed. This gift is the true meaning of Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good read :smiley:

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Hi @Claes. Here is the wiki entry on that song

It says that chip shop was replaced by truck shop. I had no idea about it till now. Thanks!

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Correct again, @Shreedhar :slight_smile: [How did we cope before Internet was invented?]

Here is the original:
The US version:

For those who want to know how many jokes they have actually missed from the Discworld, enjoy: The Annotated Pratchett File v9.0 - Index

Have fun!
Santa Claes

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Definitely a good learning tool, if you could just resist the darkness. A lump of coal isnā€™t nice at all.