Mix of colour temperatures

Hi @twil69, and welcome!

… a wild mix of different light sources…

Generally, it is up to the developer to decide, but if you
want to depict a specific night scene, why change the way
your eyes see it? If the scene consists of a wild mix
of different light sources, why try to rectify it?

Quote myself: "Natural" White balance...?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


First of all: I have no issues with this image. I just noticed that processing it comes with some challenges: it has saturated raw pixels and blown out color channels, it has chromatic aberrations, it has lens distortion and most prominently, the different color temperatures are not properly replicated by the sensor. So it might be beneficial to see how others approach this.

And I could already learn something from @dqpcoxeas edit above. That’s what I was hoping to achieve.

But maybe I should have chosen a different title, as the current one suggests, I want to work on the colours only.

Nice photo, not easy at least for me.
My interpretation with Darktable 4.2.

20221118_0018.ORF.xmp (15.0 KB)

Thanks for your edit.
What did you do to the sky? It has quite some noise now, but only starting at some distance from the building edges. Strange. At the other hand: it is only now that I realised that there were actually stars :laughing:

The noise in the sky is probably due to the fact that I increased exposure a lot (at the same time darkening the lower part of the photo).

Welcome! Here’s my take… out of interest, I actually used 3 instances of color calibration, not masked, onefor WB, one for taming some out-of-gamut colors, and one for the channel mixer. Not very scientific :smile: but I’m happy with the result.
20221118_0018_01.ORF.xmp (23.5 KB)


I like this night atmosphere and the different light sources. I adjusted the white balance on the building, warmed up the highlights and cooled the lowlights to accentuate the contrast of the colours in the photo

DT 4.3 & Sigmoid
20221118_0018_02.ORF.xmp (13.5 KB)
Greetings from Brussels


Another version… :left_right_arrow:

20221118_0018_01.ORF.xmp (23.4 KB)


@123sg Thanks for your take on this and the different perspective/framing.
The latter removes some of the harder issues like the clipped street lamp in front of the hotel entrance.
I really like the rectangular format and how the tall building is now almost in line with the left rule of thirds vertical line. I’d personally crop off another 10% of the bottom part and desaturate the yellow/orange light on the street or at least reduce luminosity there. But this is certainly a matter of taste. To some extent the image atmosphere really is based on the different light colours.

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@Christian-B now we have a pink building at the far end of the street :smile:
Did you use the graduated density module to darken the right edge with the tree/leaves?
This effectively increases focus and removes visual distraction.

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20221118_0018.ORF.xmp (9.6 KB)

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Perspective seems a tad over-corrected on that one (windows on the left flaring outward)

20221118_0018.ORF.xmp (10.9 KB)

DT 4.2.1

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Personally I don’t mind the pink building, at night the city is lit by different light sources like streetlights, traffic lights, shop windows, billboards, etc, … These different light sources create a certain atmosphere, which I like to accentuate.
To create this contrast I didn’t use a graduated filter, I accentuated the contrasts in sigmoid in combination with two presets of the “Local Contrast” module for highlights and lowlights.
Here is a short video with the different settings.

And here is a second warmer version of the colors

20221118_0018_03.ORF.xmp (13.5 KB)

Greetings from Brussels

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Thanks for posting
darktable 4.2.1

20221118_0018_03.ORF.xmp (14.4 KB)

and playing with 2 Color Calibration instances with masks

20221118_0018_03.ORF.xmp (21.2 KB)

In my younger days, when I was out at this hour, things looked a lot blurrier. :laughing:

20221118_0018_12.ORF.xmp (32.3 KB)


@Underexposed :grin:
The photo was taken at the early evening, blurry vision for me usually started past midnight…

Thanks again for all your versions.
It is nice to see the different interpretations of this scene. All fix the obvious flaws but then go quite different routes for the personal touch, including framing, cropping and of course color grading. Very inspiring! I will look into the details of the different sidecar files during the weekend.

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I was fooled by the empty street and closed shops. Should have looked at the image information.

With Ansel

20221118_0018_01.ORF.xmp (34.8 KB)