@dqpcoxeas Nice edit. Thanks.
Well seen and well captured! The point of view/composition is really great.
Only minor critique: The tree gets very close to the edge at the top, which feels a bit too tight for me. I think tilting the camera up just a little bit would have made it more balanced (at least for me).
I really like your image, It inspired me to make this “pictorial version”, please forgive me for being rude.
A greeting.
@Gerardremendo Nice interpretation. Thanks.
The tabs are applied in order, left to right, so the grey tab does indeed not affect the WB. However, it’s still good practice to keep things separate in different instances. If you do non-WB things in the WB instance, you risk creating quite a mess for yourself if you later want to change, undo or toggle a specific effect. Separation of concerns and all that.
Test an image where you change R, G, or B in the primary module, and then change them in a separate module. I have seen a difference in the outcome. I always use a separate module, even for the grey tab.
That’s because they don’t use the same adaptation. The default instance uses CAT16, while any other instances are set to none (bypass). As @kofa says, it’s not just the CAT tab that uses this setting, but all the tabs, and different adaptations give different results. Change your new instance to CAT16 and the output will be the same as from the default instance.
Ooohhhh. Yea, that makes sense.