monthly video meetings?

The room is on freenode and bridged into matrix :slight_smile:

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Technically correct (the best kind of correct), but it’ll show up just fine when searching for rooms I think? (Didn’t want to muddy the waters needlessly)

You need to be identified with freenode tho otherwise you get kicked.

There are several things to consider.

First, I think we need more than one organizer/moderator. I can moderate the European timezone meetings but as already mentioned I am not available between utc 10 pm and utc 6 am. I have no problem with getting up at 5 am or staying up until 2 am but I live in a thin-walled apartment and I don’t want to disturb my roommates. So American timezone evenings are a bit difficult for me.
I agree that we should have at least two timezones for our meetings and we should alternate the two timezones. Maybe @paperdigits and/or @patdavid could organize/moderate the American timezone meetings?

Then, probably a jitsi test would not hurt. I have not much experience with Jitsi. Thanks for the offer to make a test, I will get back to @patdavid, I think we can make the test meeting on the weeked.

I think the next step is finding a date. It should not be too soon, since people probably need some time to plan. What about November 22 utc 6 pm (that’s 9 pm in Russia and 10 am in L.A.? please correct me if I am wrong)? Or is that too soon? Or, after Thanksgiving, on a weekday, maybe November 30, utc 6 pm? The next weekend would be December 5 or 6. Feel free to suggest other times/dates.

So far, only @Karl (and me) made suggestions for a short presentation/lightning talk. Maybe there is a little problem here, since American time zone evenings are best for you, however, that is not possible for me. Would utc 6 pm be possible for you on a weekend? Anyway, it should be possible that you talk about Hugin at the second/next (American time zone) meeting.

@everbody else: please make more suggestions for presentations. I cannot imagine that there are no ideas. I think 3 presentations would be ideal for one meeting, but the emphasis should really be on short. Or I don’t know, maybe you want totally “spontaneous” and (except for the date/time) unplanned meetings with a “surprise program”?

Last but not least: I think Jitsi has the feature that the participants first “knock on the door” and then they are let in by someone who is already there. We should use that feature for limiting the number of participants. First come first served - except for those who are holding the presentations.

These are my thoughts.

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Great points!

You could create a new topic specifically for the date/time that you want to have a meeting (include a link and all relevant info in the first post on that topic to make it easy for people to interact). Then you could ask for topic/talk ideas in that thread and discuss it there. That way all of the relevant information is right in that one topic for easy reference (especially for the future).

Also, jitsi allows you to send a recording of the event directly to YouTube if you want. I can get the API key to the PIXLS youtube account so you can save (and livestream!) directly to that account. This makes it easier for me to grab the recordings locally for archiving as well.

Feel free to hit me up and we can work on this together to make sure you’re successful and everyone can have a great meeting!

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:+1: I would do that and perhaps make a post-meeting thread as well.

@betazoid Don’t take the lack of feedback for disinterest. I am sure that most people are in a wait and see mode, which can be kind of annoying for the organizer or people who want to get stuff done. Once this gets rolling, it will work out. As I said, I have thought about this for a long time because I am unable to attend meeting physically. I am glad that you mentioned it.

Personally, I am not as forthcoming because of decades of bad experience. I contribute almost all of my free time into quality IRL volunteering but in return I usually suffer from abuse and gaslighting. So, it can be triggering. Not that it would happen here…

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I’ve been thinking of an “office hours” type of thing for a while now, just hang out, chat, talk about whatever comes up.

Having a topic and presentation every time will become a burden, IMHO.


Perhaps there could simply be streamed photo editing sessions.

Like if I get back from a trip, I can load up photos and just show what I do.

Nothing specifically shown, just everything I do normally.


Why not both?
If someone has a cool topic to share - awesome!
If not - social hour! :smiley:

Either way, it’s a win in my book. (Contrary to popular opinion I like most of the people here. Except for @Morgan_Hardwood or @heckflosse. :wink: )


So, I could also present something.
but the question is do you want a presentation or wouldn’t a streamed photo editing be better. On the other hand from experience with making youtube editing tutorials it quickly gets to 20 minutes or more if one is not consciously making an effort to keep it short.

Anyway, I would offer myself to make a photo editing stream. I am currently playing with color toning and with local stuff mostly using RT, ART and Gimp.
I have time (almost anyday) between UTC: 8pm and 11pm


i agree here. fwiw i certainly like the idea, not sure i’ll be able to make it.


From my limited testing previously I wanted to point out that doing a “live editing” usually works much, much better if it’s a one-way stream. Things like jitsi and other videocon systems work well to show multiple people to each other well enough to see a smile or expresssions, but maybe not subtle color toning shifts or detail editing (I tried this quite a few different ways over the last few years).

The best bet may be a one-way stream with something like twitch or possibly youtube live.

We could possibly have a single streamer doing the live-edit session, and everyone else together on a separate jitsi meeting to interact. Just thinking out loud here.

If sharing images that you want someone to see in high quality uploading it somewhere and sharing URL’s might work better than simply showing it on the screen share.

If showing slides - consider something like a hosted reveal.js ( is the commercial branch of reveal.js and allows free decks with multi-casting).

I’ll try setting up a test to demonstrate some of these ideas.

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I guess I know why :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I agree, in the same spot myself. Actually saw the other thread kind of late and didn’t chime in because I thought ti might be too late. Would show up if I were able.

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Using suitable services for the tasks with a chat layer is a good idea. I usually do it as long as (my slow and) people’s bandwidths can tolerate it.

Yes, that’s 11AM for me and do-able for a weekend. Since I mostly know what I want to say the 22nd would work, but does that give enough time for a test of Jitsi?

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Yes, I thought about it, meanwhile I also think it’s too soon. Besides, many people might already have plans for that day. And in addition, Sunday might not be good for some since they need to get up early on Monday. I have just asked @McCap in a pm whether he has time on December 5, did not get an answer yet.
I was going to ask @patdavid whether he has time for a test this weekend.
Well… I am not sure… as far as I am concerned, I don’t really need time to prepare either.

So does NOV 22 at 1800 UTC sound like a good plan? If so we can get a topic started for people to discuss that meeting specifically. (edit - I see now that maybe this is too close?)

I can make myself available this weekend to test out a meeting (or just have an “office hours” type of casual get-together). We could even try the same time - 1800UTC. I’ll make a topic post about that so anyone can just jump on/off as they like.

I would like to do a quick 5-minute intro/hello if that’s ok with you? There may be some who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting me in person yet and I didn’t want them to miss out. :wink:

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I have lunch at 1800 UTC but I could set aside some of that time this Sunday. My hardware is unreliable though. Laptop: no mic, usually no webcam. Phone: yes mic/cam, sketchy touch/antenna

I was thinking on Saturday at 1800UTC. I’ll start a topic about it soon.