was not aware of this feature. There are some Easter eggs in this program
The use of ART gave rise to some thinkings and perhaps dreams. So the wishlist
note: It doesn’t require answer, unless something is wrong or badly understood
saving snapshots in processing profiles is really a plus as it is possible now to record different processings.
I am perhaps wrong, but I never use the history as it can become quickly very long. I use snapshots to keep track of intermediate steps.
So I would like if history could be replaced by the list of active tools listed in order of pipeline. Clicking on one would expand and display tool in its tab. -
what surprise me is that the tools are grouped in the tabs in an
order that doesn’t seem friendly.
They could be ordered in the pipeline order , or from fondamental and frequently used tool (exposure, white balance, tone curve…) to less used (HSV correction…)
I feel that even in simple processing cases I have to go from tab to tab to adjust or verify the needed basic tools .
Local adjustment is a real improvement
I would like the “show mask” command near the curves
I would like
local contrast/wavelets
become a local adjustment -
area definition. I did not find the way to adjust a side independantly of the opposite like in crop zone definition.
In case I want select a foreground subject it is tedious.
using a polygone would be easier. -
once the HCL curves and area are defined, I suppose that somewhere a data structure defining the
is created. I would like to be able to transfer this mask to the same or to an other local adjustment to avoid to have to redefine the mask especially since the adjustments are not at the same place in the pipeline. -
Then I would like to be able to invert the mask (not the area)
going further, I would like a
mask tool
that permits to define parametric masks, and to paint on them.
Once identified, those masks could be then used in different local adjustment tools.
The GUI should be then less cluttered. -
in some cases, I really had trouble to get a good mask for the foreground subject. for instance [PlayRaw] RAW Challenge: Backlit