Natron has the fasted renderer out there

And that’s the reports I want :wink: The more info we get from the user the better

The existing solution will popup a dialog offering to send a report when Natron crashes. We could also modify this process.

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Crash reporting sounds great!
But will this work when Natron just disappears ?

I am working on a project for the next few weeks for which I will use Natron a lot.
(Still checking if I can send you a project, but its a hell lot of files…).

Especially the crashes when DiskCashing or Rendering are important to fix.
Also willing to donate and to promote Natron, the rendering speed is just amazing on a Threadripper :slight_smile:

(coming from BMD Fusion, its soooo slow and the support is s***, figured out that Natron does not need a 3d workspace at all, we have Blender and the two work great together…).

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The current implementation will not work without a server. I’m working on a local crash system.

It might be easier to get the crash reporting working. I got the server side working already and I have tested reporting on Linux and Windows (I don’t think we can enable on Mac anymore?). We need to enable building of the crash reporter again, update server url and collect symbol files.

Sounds great.
Using Ubuntu “Pop!_OS” 18.04 LTS
Would also be ok to start Natron with some kind of wrapper script which makes logs

Natron custom build with crash reporting:

Note that this is a bit hackish as the build system created a broken CrashReporter (does not detect Natron-bin crashes), so you will need to apply a “patch”.

tar xvf Natron-crash-201912080826-432aef9-64-no-installer.tar.xz
zcat NatronCrashReporter-glibc223-gcc55.gz > Natron-crash-201912080826-432aef9-64-no-installer/bin/Natron

Basically extract Natron to FOLDER and overwrite FOLDER/bin/Natron. When Natron crashes you will get a dialog.

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Just installed your version and forced Natron to crash while simply importing a .jpg file into a read node (I think messed up the words read and write in crash report).

Thank you so much for diving into Natron’s code.

Are you sure the report was sent? I don’t see any new report. On success you will get a unique ID back from the server.

You can go into settings and trigger a test crash just to see if it works.

Ok, I did it again:


When I get the Dump uploading screen:


should I click issue Tracker and open that Github issue then ?

Thanks for the info, seems to be an issue on the server-side. I just sent 5 crash reports in a row to the server and they all show up fine… Odd

You can also save the crash to file (xxxx.dmp) and just send it to me.

Server issues resolved, we have a cap on file upload. Will make it a bit larger.

My Natron just crashed while doing a DiskCache.

However, no crash reporter window appeared!

It depends on the crashes, not all can be detected sadly. The cache crash could be related to disk/mem issues/usage

For future I will run Natron always from terminal, maybe there will be some useful output…

If you are able to replicate you could use GDB to debug (symbols are available where you downloaded Natron).

It crashed again doing DiskCache for the same scene.

Can you give me a crash intro on how to use GDB ?

I forgot to include the proper symbols for GDB, I will do an update a bit later today.

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I am still amazed from Natron render speeds on multicore computers.

But it crashes a lot and I can not walk away for a cup of coffe when I start a render job :coffee:

Sometimes it crashes while doing a “DiskCache”
Sometimes it leaves out every second frame
and sometime it just crashes without any know reason.

Here is the question:

1.) Is it possible to start renderjobs from command line, if yes, how exactly ?

2.) Is it possible to resume a render at last finished frame after a crash (command line solution) ?

3.) Is it possible to first ReCache DiskCache nodes of the comp before rendering (command line solution) ?

The idea is to build a simple GUI where I can select my comp, select the output folder
and enable that it checks a constant frame upcount (directory watcher), if there are leftout frames it will restart the whole rendering command and resuming at last successful frame after a crash.

Something like this:

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I found the command line options here:

and to check if all .png are renderd without any error, I use pngcheck
sudo apt-get install pngcheck

cd into to folder with your image sequence, then execute this command:
pngcheck *.png | grep ERROR

if the output is clear, all .png are rendered correctly, otherwihse you will get an error like this:
ERROR: 09_EndeScene_0323.png
so you would have to re-render this frame.

When there is time, I will try to create some scripts …

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Note that if you uncheck the “Overwrite” checkbox in the writer, it will only render non-existing frames.