New Sigmoid Scene to Display mapping

In my Fujifilm X-H1 I have set the MGA Leica Like V2 recipe

Yes, the main idea is to reproduce this Leica Like recipe of the JPG in the RAW using darktable.

I always shot in RAW+JPG to have a reference of the result I like. But as the RAW file have a lot more information in dynamic range than the JPG I use darktable to tweak and process it to get better results with more contrasted and vivid images.

I use darktable in scene-referred mode, and process the images with exposure 1.2 EV (for Fuji RAF).
the CAT and FilmicRGB to tweak the dynamic range. But I have seen good results in all those images using Sigmoid and I liked to see the results with one of my images. By the way it’s great.

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