I suggest we feature different parts of our community in the blogs. Often, larger, more vocal groups and projects drown out equally compelling but smaller ones. I try to balance that out in my involvement as an individual, but that is not enough visibility. I tried to do that in live meetings, but that may be the wrong medium since people are less interested in shier projects and personalities.
Count me in. My blog is currently trapped in Ghost and I don’t have a good way to migrate to another platform. I was interested in moving to Hugo but I am stuck.
Are you looking to make content specifically or exclusively for the site or aggregate things already out there? I make a lot of stuff, well at least I used too this year has been difficult, that’s posted on YouTube, Flickr, my website, sometimes Instagram.
Edit: if no one objects I wouldn’t mind setting up or trying to run a live meeting since the usual suspects who handle that are busy right now.
Just a quick question: if I sent any contributions for consideration and was lucky enough for them to be published, would there be any objection if I also posted them in full on my personal website? I’ve no issue at all if there is — I’d just post a link to the pixls.us instead — I was just wondering, really.
I believe it would be okay if it is under a permissive license and you are open to forum comments.
This is the text under the blog:
Unless otherwise noted content on this site, PIXLS.US by Pat David, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
So, if you are not insisting on an other license, you (and everybody else) can publish your work under the same license and with mentioning your name on it.
one thing to keep in mind that publishing something again on a different site might get punished by search engines.
Amazing. Thanks for your comments, everyone.
Publishing the same material on two different sites makes little sense in practice (for several reasons); it was more of a theoretical question than anything else (which is just another way of saying 'I’ve only just realised how stupid my question was’).
I’d be more than happy to contribute some content — anything I could do to give back to the community would be an absolute pleasure.
Is there interest for an article about all the numbers in photography and how they are derived from each other? Why 1/f=8 and 1/125 sec instead of 1/100, ISO and so on? And how that ties into imaging software?
I could try to write something not super dry…
Yes! Awesome images and illustrations would make it more interesting.
I would need someone to do the awesome…
I wouldn’t mind putting together something around this for consideration; would that be ok?
This thread would transition into a great article, too, but I don’t have enough experience to tackle it first hand — maybe with a bit of help from those who have?
Yes absoluty.
Great! I’ll get cracking on something next weekend — it’ll make a great distraction from the stresses of life for a short while.
UPDATE: I can’t get to sleep (again!), so I’ve made a start on it tonight. Here’s a teeny snippit to keep you all guessing:
You could just carry on with a legacy release, of couse, but trust me; this will inevitably present with its own set of challenges over time (my eleven-year-old Windows build of Hugin — which runs in Wine, which in turn runs in Manjaro Linux, which in turn runs in Virtual Box, which in turn runs on MacOS High Siera! — is an excellent case in point).
I’ll post back once I get a quick break but I’m thinking we could have a content meeting and hash out a simple schedule to plan out some items. I’m still travelling until Sunday so it might not be until next week at some point.