News about Rawtherapee development

Hello, do you mean that you want to translate Local Adjustments in Polski?

In that case, search for the file called Polish in the folder rawtherapee/rtdata/languages and go to line 2072, all the entries that follow are preceded with an exclamation mark, meaning they still have to be translated, like so:

!HISTORY_MSG_500;Local - Spot shape

Translate the right part and remove the ! in front of that line. When done, you can upload that file via Github (you need an account) or just here I suppose.

The last Polish translation dates from February 2020, since then lots (read: LOTS) of new terms were introduced.

Good luck!


Here we go: RawFocus

Would something like this be any good to anyone?


It is a perfect summary of the most important information about 5.10…
I think this should be linked on the RT homepage under “Latest news”.
This is best info (and easy to find for everyone!) to show that RT is alive.



martbetz, this is very valuable information and I follow ThomasO: It should go the the news section on the RT homepage.


Thanks for the kind feedback, @ThomasO and @mozzihh. It’s posted temporarily as a page on my website at present, just for the sake of convenience. If there’s enough interest and the devs are happy to do so, I’ve no problem with the content being included on the RawTherapee website (I’d agree that within the ‘news’ section would be the logical place). Equally, I’ve no problem with keeping it up to date with any developments.

If not, then I’ll host something independently — with maybe a direct link on the RT website so everyone could find it (again, if the devs are happy to do).

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Thanks for taking the time to write something up. I’m not sure if we can publish it soon enough to be useful since the release is looking likely in less than a week and someone with the website access will be needed to publish anything at all. I think the way it works is the news article must be added to Pat David / rawtherapee-web · GitLab and it will automatically be published. However, I see at least one article that is not synchronized (see the macOS instructions on the 5.9 download page). Something’s not quite right here.

A few comments about what you wrote: The term “pre-release” is not officially used in the project, so “release candidate” is the preferred term. The next version after 5.10 is to be determined. At this point, I don’t see any significant changes that will require a bump in the major version. 5.11 is most likely the next release, but time will tell.

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I was previously informed to have the actual website updated, we must raise an issue, for example:

@Lawrence37 or @patdavid Would it be possible for someone to obtain rawtherapee dot org and have it point to the patdavid gitlab site?

All issues corrected. Not to worry; I’ll just run this as my own project that people are welcome to read and use as a reference if they so choose. :slight_smile:

I’ll copy it over into my main personal website content so readers will know what to expect when RT 5.10 is released.

Thanks for taking a look and considering my offer of contribution. :blush:

I believe the website must be synced manually, but we can do that. We just have to know about it.

Yep, I can build and push to the webserver manually. Just let me know when it’s ready or what I can do.

Great! I will keep you updated on the status of the release.

Very interesting!
Would you provide an RSS for this?

P. S. the link at the bottom, “is now available for download from the official RawTherapee website.” is wrong (rawtherapee .com, not .org -the link at the top being right)

Hi, @Herve5RT, and thanks for the kind words. I put the page together just as an example, really, purely to show the content off to see if the RT team would find it useful for inclusion into the ‘news’ section of their site – it’ll likely be removed shortly as there’s no real interest.

I may continue it purely for my own fun, but it’ll likely remain just that: nothing more than an independent and unofficial personal project on my part; as such, I’ll likely not be giving it it’s own home and RSS feed (in any case, my entire website is just a personal, experimental fun project).

P.S. Well spotted on the incorrect link - now fixed.

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I wasn’t aware that it had been added to the RawTherapee web site, and in fact I can’t find it there, so I wouldn’t be in a hurry to conclude that there’s no interest.

It hasn’t – see @Lawrence37’s reply above.

As far as general interest is concerned, I haven’t really had much feedback; as such, I naturally just assume it’s not something that appeals to the masses. :slight_smile:

I don’t have much mass, but it appeals to me.


may my mass be with you!

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Excuse my bad english…

There is no simple answer to your proposition.

First of all, anything that leads to progression in RT is welcome. We have been too far behind for more than 2 years for various reasons, but this is not the place to discuss it.

So, anything that can lead to an improvement in knowledge (documentation) or communication is welcome, and for that I thank you for your initiative. :+1: :grinning:

But we run into some logistical and security difficulties.

For example, adding a section, a link to the website, requires access… This access is currently reserved for the manager and extending it raises the question: who, why? For example I don’t have access to it.

Another example, the documentation, either in its current form Rawpedia (which is somewhat obsolete) or any other form (video, etc.) assumes validation, such as when modifying the RT code (with a Pull Request or an Issue), and it also requires access rights, who and why ?

So, I summarize, we agree on the principle, we still have to agree on how, who, what, why?
Of course, this is just me and not RT.




Thanks for the very kind words, @jdc — much appreciated.

No problem at all; I completely understand and appreciate the logistics.

Also, thanks to @Kurt , @chaimav , @Herve5RT , @mozzihh , @ThomasO , and anyone else I may have missed for expressing an interest in my modest efforts. This being the case, then, I’m more than happy to continue with it as a standalone project and see how it develops.

An update to my previous response: as it’s currently hosted as a static page on my website (i.e. not as a dedicated blog in it’s own right) I can’t create a dedicated feed; however, my main website has an RSS feed, so I’ll post any updates to RawFocus in there along with a direct link (so you’ll not only get notified of any recent news about RawTherapee, but you’ll be kept up to date with all my crazy ramblings as well — sorry about that :wink: :laughing:).

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:


Hello @martbetz

Thanks a lot for you efforts!

It will be really useful to get some more information (documentation, video tutorials, you name it) as regards RawTherapee :slight_smile: