Hi there.
I’m trying to draw your attention to a thread that discusses the film negative module usage.
(environment: RT-5.8, win10, nikon D750)
Could you please help me determine how the “look table” attribute should be used?
- yes, I have read rawpedia and the tooltips. I’ve understood that tone curves and look tables should be used in combination, except for advanced uses.
==> what would be considered advanced uses?
Basically, as stated in the thread I’ve shared, I think I need to be sure RGB channels are not getting distorted relative to one another [I don’t want any “picture control” to interfere with colour rendition of what’s scanned], i.e. if there’s some transfer function (a curve) applied to one channel, it should be the same for the other channels.
I hope what I’m saying makes sense.
Thanks for letting me know.