No one will believe us anyway...

Have you ever taken an image of a scene so unreal that even you think the photo looks fake?

Yesterday on my way to work, I noticed, that some nice pink lines showed on the clouds. Driving by a famous bridge I stopped as the sky was getting more interesting by the minute. Took my little trusty lx100 and went on said bridge.
There a spectacle unfolded. The sky begann to burn in a way I have rarely seen. Every, literally EVERY, passer-by stopped and took picture with mobiles, tablets and what not. Another photographer had stopped on his way to work and we were frantically shooting away. Well I was, as he had his motive fixed and just waited for long exposures with an ND filter in order to get rid of all the people passing by.

When leaving he told me:
No one will believe us anyway…they’ll all say this is photoshoped.

And I agree, even while processing the images I just thought, wow these look like those krass composite images where somebody copied another sky into the background. Anyway, I went on to process some multiple exposures. I was lazy and worked directly on the sooc jpeg instead of first developing tiffs, went into hugin to align those and the into gimp to blende them using luminosity masks. finally did some perspective correction, denoising and sharpening in RT. The longer exposures also had some slight movement in them as I was holding onto the shutter button and couldn’t do that perfectly still.

So here they are:


That is pretty unreal! Good thing you had your camera with you!

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Wow! Fire and brimstone, apocalyptic. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Where is this?

Whenever I’ve seen a sky like this it’s always around something boring like a shopping mall parking lot.

A beautiful reminder of how wonderful nature can be

When you see something like this it puts you at one with nature and the world.

If only everyone had those feelings all the time

A fraction of the sky was like that in the scene I described here:

However, I was stuck in gridlock without a camera urgent to get somewhere with passengers who wouldn’t appreciate the driver getting out and taking shots even if I had a camera.

@paperdigits, that’s what I love about the lx100. It is so small thtat I always have it with me.

Wuerzburg, Germany. That’s the old main bridge, where main is the river’s name. :wink:

And wonderful as word felt underwhelming at that moment…

Interestingly I had looked at satellite preview, and had been thinking that something interesting might happen. There was a cloud cover all over germany which ended aprubtly some 200-300 km to the east. It seems it was perfect so that the rising sun could send it’s rays right between earth’s surface and the clouds and illuminate the latler one from below.

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Second thing I noticed were the dynamic statues with body movement and flowing robes. Together with the sky they make the photograph all the more interesting. And what is the second statue in the first image holding? Is it a sword (a lightsaber :smile:)?
