[NSFW] Play raw : a pregnancy shot

You probably shouldn’t include the jpeg in the OP so it doesn’t show up in the overall PlayRaw category. I can’t seem to find any way to mark nsfw like you can on Reddit to hide the thumbnail…

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I replaced it with a link, thanks!

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Good point. I thought I had looked up a way to blur nsfw images here but didn’t follow up. I’ll have another look soon and see.

So, we are supposed to “play raw”, and not post our result?

No, only the first post creates the thumbnail.


I wonder if it could auto-magically be hidden if you tag the play raw thread as nsfw. Instead of blur, perhaps replace it with a small [px] logo. I dislike blurred images…

It could be blured and unblured on hover or a click just with css.

But my personal position is to just leave it as a normal play raw. To me It’s like covering all the nude statues in Italy, Croatia and Greece. It’s art, we should be above censoring nudity art in 21st. Can you believe that this debate began in around 16th st with Michelangelo but probably even before him and it still continues to this day. There aren’t many issues like that in history. Then again, even tho I have a liberal position on nudity, I still can’t imagine a world where it wouldn’t be an issue. So I guess I’m saying, a solution is css * laughs out loud.

I basically redid the whole lighting. You should consider investing in negative fill (aka black panels) to block light bounces from some directions, because here the light comes from everywhere and it destroys the volume. (I didn’t bother air-brushing away the underwear marks, best ask the model to wear something soft before the shoot).

_8589.ARW.xmp (48,7 Ko)
(using darktable master with experimental stuff).

Softened variant (because all the global contrast enhancement added too much local contrast):

_8589.ARW.xmp (48,7 Ko)


_8589.ARW.xmp (18.0 KB)


Playing with Filmulator …


Hi Aurélien,

Thanks for the advice for the black panel i will look into that,

This shot was really unplanned, and after a few shot with natural light she had the idea of trying to use a shadow, so it was realy improvised… That and the total non professionnal skills you get something really not optimal, but the idea of submitting to play raw was to see how much we could salvage with post treatment. I was especially curious of what could be done to get the color right but this mostly inspire B&W i guess :slight_smile:

I really like your second version especially in the head area, much more details than what i did achieve.

By the way i read your article https://photo.aurelienpierre.com/la-photo-de-studio-pour-les-pauvres/ i really liked it (be reassured, none of it was used to make this shot :slight_smile: )

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The bottom is well done, the skin feels soft but the curves details pops more than in my try, well done

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As i was asked: yes the model did consent to this shot to be shared, of course,

I didnt post until now but was following those play raw for a while and just wanted to propose something different; lots of landscape around here !

English is definitely not my first langage so apologies for your eyes ^^

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The gradient in the back from right to left is nice, but i dont know if its my screen it looks burned on the far right side.
The skin tone and shadows looks great, well done!

Yes, nice to get something different. Thanks for sharing.

Certainly lends itself to b&w, but here is a colour version for you. Good practice on the skin tones.

pregnancy_8589.ARW.xmp (12.3 KB)
DT 3.4

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You definitely achieved a better skin tone than me, when a put the 2 jpg side to side mine is way too reddish, thanks for the .XMP i’ll try to see where i went off road.


that is my idea :blush:

baby_8589.ARW.xmp (15.0 KB)


My try.

_8589.ARW.xmp (20.3 KB)


I slid some sliders and this slipped into sight…

_8589-pregnant-nude.ARW.xmp (34.9 KB)

Guess some sliders were about green saturation !