I’ve been having the same issue with my Canon 5D mk. II. In fact, exactly the same shift towards yellow.
I initially worked around it by removing some yellow with the channel mixer, just like you. But since I created custom WB coefficients, I haven’t had to do that, although minor tweaks are usually still needed in CAT.
This video explains the process:
Note that I haven’t done the profiling part yet.
I would say it’s yellow rather than green. Greenish yellow, perhaps, but definitely yellow. Maybe it’s the yellow mixing with the blue that makes it look green to you. Is your monitor calibrated?
In this, I raised exposure a bit, used the soft contrast preset in tone eq, applied my yellow fix preset in a second instance of color calibration, added a bit of sharpness, and finally boosted the colors with color balance. Everything else is default. I’d say it’s very close to the OOC JPEG.
WhiteBalance001.orf.xmp (10.6 KB)