OpenCL problem DT 4.6 Windows

Nothing unique on your PC. I reproduced. There is a bug in how the mask is handling memory. It happens on OpenCL and CPU path. I did not try it on another module (not D&S).

Now we need to wait for someone to look into the fix. Meanwhile, keep your settings to large, keep AMD off, avoid having browser with a lot of tabs open if you are editing in dt.

@g-man thanks for your help with the issue. Is there any reason to have the intel activated since I have an AMD computer?

Neither using all device memory nor the unrestricted option is recommended.

We provide defaults with the intent of it working on any machine. For your system, turn off anything but the Nvidia card.

Yes… I have a bookmark for that folder! That works fine even without clearing that checkbox protect OS files.

@g-man @Terry @kofa i think i found the culprit in dt code. An old one btw.
See Fix details mask on low opencl memory by jenshannoschwalm ¡ Pull Request #16003 ¡ darktable-org/darktable ¡ GitHub


I tested on Fedora and it works. Thanks


@g-man @hannoschwalm I have just installed the latest weekly build for Windows and can confirm that the problem seems fixed as my computer is not crashing when moving the thresholds slider. Thanks for fixing this.

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Thanks for confirming the fix :slight_smile: