OSX and GIMP plugin for Photoflow

pre-compiled packages, namely Partha’s but the latest version doesn’t include the plug-in

In this case, please hold on a bit until Partha and myself have verified that the plug-in indeed works properly under OSX. The plug-in will then be included in the GIMP package, and will automatically find and use the photoflow version you have installed (provided it has been installed in the standard /Applications folder).

Great Thanks, its a great program just what I have been looking for, just need to learn a work flow for my editing, been using McGimp-2.9-cce (2.9.5)

I assume you have already played with the stand-alone version of photoflow, right? If yes, please do not hesitate to give your feedback and suggestions, I’m quite open to user requests…

Yes, it was several months ago I came across your application but at that time there wasn’t a osx version from memory, and I was reading on the forum today and revisited and installed. Then realised Patha’s version had it as a plug-in. So def going to have a play, will give feedback. Thanks

Ok, thanks! Just FYI, I keep updated OSX installers here: Release Continuous build · aferrero2707/PhotoFlow · GitHub

I usually put a new installer whenever fixes and new features are reasonably well tested.
You can always roll back to the previous version in case of problems…

Just installed Partha’s latest build https://www.partha.com/downloads/McGimp-2.10.6.app.zip any news on the plugin for OSX yet ?


I do not remember if there had been problems with the PhF plug-in for GIMP… could you remind me why it was decided to drop it from your OSX builds? Any chance that we can work together to get it included again?



Hi! Long time. No, there was no problem. You decided that you wanted to do the building yourself and I didn’t need to do that anymore.

Hope that helps,

Hi @partha, Nice to hear from you!!!

Now I remember… what kind of system (home brew, macports,…) do you use to provide the dependencies for your builds?


I don’t use any such system. I compile all my dependencies from source.

@aka_andrew @partha

I finally managed to generate a PhotoFlow plug-in for OSX, however at the moment it is only compatible with the official GIMP DMG (https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/v2.10/osx/gimp-2.10.6-x86_64.dmg).

An archive containing the file-photoflow and phf_gimp plugins is available here. Notice that the plugins are entirely built and packaged under Travis CI, so there should be absolutely no risk of viruses…

If the GIMP app is installed in the standard location (/Applications/GIMP-2.10.app), the PhF plug-in files can be installed also in the standard location for additional GIMP plugins ($HOME/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins). Otherwise you have to put the PhF plugins inside the GIMP app bundle (in GIMP-2.10.app/Contents/Resources/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins).

As a side note, I am trying to make packages for other GIMP plug-ins (like G’MIC), so that they can be used in combination with the official GIMP DMG. The PhF plugins are a first attempt in this direction…

@partha when I try to run the plug-in with your latest McGIMP bundle, I get troubles with some GEGL library symbols. It is clear that I am not compiling my code against the good GEGL version.
Could you tell me the exact versions of the BABL/GEGL libraries that you are using for your builds?

Also, would it be possible to set a DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH variable in your launcher script, containing the absolute paths to the Contents/Resources/lib and Contents/Frameworks folders? This would allow plug-ins that are installed outside of the McGIMP app bundle to find the bundled libraries, even if the bundled in installed in a folder different from the standard /Applications one.


Thanks @Carmelo_DrRaw, installed and appears to work without bugs. I couldn’t get the plug-in to show up in GIMP using the plug-ins in ( $HOME/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins ) but certainly in (GIMP-2.10.app/Contents/Resources/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins) it does.

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Glad to hear it works! I had to learn a lot of details about dynamic library handling in OSX to get it working…

What is the installation path of GIMP-2.10.app on your system? Is it located under /Applications or somewhere else?


I am finding your version of Gimp 2.10 to be very laggy when using tools.
Example using the eraser tool you get a delay in screen repose to the use of the tool, in comparison to @partha version there is no lag.


If by “my version” you mean this one: https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/v2.10/osx/gimp-2.10.6-x86_64.dmg(https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/v2.10/osx/gimp-2.10.6-x86_64.dmg
then I am not the author of it, it is the official one provided by the GIMP team. I think the best would be to file a bug report to the gimp-developer mailing list…

Ok, Sorry my mistake I look into and file a bug report. Thanks

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I’m also an OSX user, so I can try to reproduce your observations… could you give me few more details?

OSX 10.13.6
GIMP.org Official version - an 8 layer .xcf file - open image screen renders very slowly square by square.
@partha version same .xcf - open image screen renders very quickly