Ownership of the contents

And you are free to do so and correct your typo, but since you’ve licensed that typo under the creative commons license, I’m free to quote or reuse your typo. Also under the creative commons, I’m free to correct your typo.

Indeed, we all have bad days, and you’re free to correct your mistakes. Lots of the users here correct their typos and edit their posts in other ways. We don’t stop them in general. And the impression isn’t permanent, you can request, under the creative commons, that you be disassociated from your content. If you’re acting in good faith, then your edits will be allowed to persist. But you licensed those specific words under the creative commons license.

I’d like everyone to correct their “douchebaggery” as well. And if you correct your misgivings and act in good faith, we don’t interfere.

Am I not allowed to make more than one argument? I was more than clear that I wasn’t sure if pixls.us were in fact the original publisher and what that meant legally. The arguments are clearly two separate ones.

Again, we don’t rule unilaterally, but take things on a case-by-case basis. Keep in mind that you license the content under the creative commons when you choose to post here. Nobody here forces you to post and when you post, you accept the creative commons license. It is very similar to the GPL license, in that the GPL doesn’t permit unlimited freedom; you can’t do whatever you want with GPL source code, you are bound by the license to contribute back. When you license your content under the creative commons, you are giving up part of your personal unlimited freedom that you’d otherwise enjoy as the copyright holder.

In this case, the feeling is that you’re participating in a public, community discussion, and the needs of the community outweigh your singular need to rage quit and destroy the continuity of our discussions.

You’re restricting your own freedom by licensing your content under the creative commons. You agree to the creative commons license (and our ToS) when you start posting here. If you don’t agree with those terms, then don’t post.

If you think this is out of line with the spirit of the GPL and the Free Software movement, then I’d suggest you do some more reading about what those ideas and licenses actually are.