Photo post / audio analogy - de-yellow night shot

I think the audio equivalent of what you are trying to do is to pan a single element inside a stereo mix.

You can think of RGB colour channels like LCR audio channels. A yellow image is too much level in the Red and Green channels. It like too much level in the Left and Centre. You can turn down the LC channels but it affects the whole stereo Field

Hi Mark,

In my city we have quite dark and really strong orangy-yellow street lights. My camera with auto WB gives me results like this:

Which is actually quite close to the actual look (because everything is really dark and yellow).

However, it’s quite easy to make this photo look like this (I use ART for editing, exclusively):

Basically, I shifted WB to very cold temp (1800) and then desaturated blue color, because everything outside of this yellow light becomes really blueish at 1800.

Here is how it looks like without blue color desaturation:

Obviously, if you have some actual blue color on the subject, you will need to use some local editing, but in this particular image I was able to just desaturate blue globally on the whole picture. And of course it gets a bit more difficult if you have people on your picture because of skin tones, but still manageable.


Some time ago I asked for help how to adjust the ugly colors in a photo shot in very tricky artificial lights; I received lots of replies and many explanations that could probably help you:


What’s a mixed blessing is the move to Phosphor Coated Amber (PCA) street lights - Commercial/Streetlights — Saving Our Stars

PCA eliminates the “extremely narrow spectrum” issues of sodium, but retains the “almost no blue light” properties.

PCA basically takes the phosphor plus blue setup of “white” LEDs to an extreme of almost 100% phosphor emissions and no direct LED emissions. Usually considered a severely defective LED except in special applications like this.

Wow, outstanding result.

Now, between your explanation and the new color balance module in dt, I know what to do with my cheapo saturation tool in rawproc…

More channel info. Most of the detail can be found toward reds. The analogy fails because you wouldn’t want to suppress good data. It is a matter of redistributing or gleaning from it. RGB:

Not sure how all I’ll use it yet, but I put a channel selector on rawproc’s el-cheapo HSL saturation tool and I was able to do this:

Basically, set the whitebalance on a patch from the lightest cat fur I could find, then desaturated the blue channel almost to 0. Bit of curve to get some contrast, and 'ere y’go…

Now I’m going to add a threshold to see if I can handle extreme blues without the profile shenanigans…

uhmmm and how would you do that (desaturate blue) in Darktable?

A few ways I can think of,

  1. Color balance - increase saturation of yellow (opposite of blue)
  2. Color zones - in ‘saturation’ tab, isolate blues and decrease
  3. Channel Mixer/New calibration module - decrease B slider in B channel. This will also make blues darker, so blend ‘colour’ if you don’t desire that.

Here is an example (working on the first jpeg posted by Alexander) where I have used Color Balance to remove the orange cast, then channel mixer to reduce blue saturation.

8de735624914b8350a7a1ce4590d88d1b6a5c889_2_690x461.jpeg.xmp (16.0 KB)

You could spend more time fine tuning, making it prettier - especially with raw, I just use as an example.


cheers @Tim ! I’ll have a go on my files to see if I can make it work.

And here is a version using channel mixer only:

8de735624914b8350a7a1ce4590d88d1b6a5c889_2_690x461.jpeg.xmp (37.6 KB)

Draw colour picker rectangle on the area you want to be neutral. We have neutral when R=G=B.
First determine how bright you want the area. As the cat has white fur, and white is bright, I chose the max RGB, which is R = 136 (first screenshot). So the goal is to boost the G and B values to = 136. For B, we adjust any slider (there is no right or wrong, only what you think looks best) in B channel of channel mixer, and for G, we adjust any slider in G channel. When all three colour picker values are equal, we are done. (You’ll notice mine are not perfectly equal, I left a tiny bit more red, but close. Also, my values do not = 136. That’s because I also adjusted R channel a bit, and because I re-drew the colour picker area).


@ggbutcher I have the same issue as your image. Splotches in coloured areas such as the cheek and ears of the cat or the bush.

BTW, I took my processing hacksaw (wrote something with G’MIC) and came up with this monstrosity (probably its 10th life :scream_cat:).

Yes, can only go so far with global edits. I have fun trying, however… :laughing:

White balance on cat, channel mixer desaturate from @age, desaturation of yellow with color equalizer

If I had to process some yellow image like this, I would make a haldclut.

This time, just slightly desaturating and adding approximate complementary cast


@ggbutcher I ended up guided filtering the GB channels with R. Still, the image is off because of my funky automagical method. Probably need to be less :crazy_face: and be a traditional lad.

Oh, you’re okay. I’m just hobbled by hack tools written by a lunatic… :scream:

Personally, I prefer the monochrome versions. Second best, I like the yellowish cat and rocks with electric blue background. That has a kind of dreamy quality, as if the background has been invented by the cat, and projected into our eyes by that intense stare. The car almost sits like a toy on the stone wall.

And I won’t comment on the blue spotlight on the cat’s, umm, nether regions.

Anyhow, let’s treat this as an exercise. Remove the overall orange colour cast by multiplying the Red channel by the average Green and dividing by the average Red, similarly B = B*average(G)/average(B). Also find the average color of the light chest fur. Windows BAT scripts, using ImageMagick:

rem This is the crop for the cat's fur.
set sCROP=-crop 115x87+627+486 +repage

for /F "usebackq" %%L in (`%IMG7%magick ^
  %SRC% ^
  -colorspace RGB -set colorspace sRGB ^
  ^( +clone ^
     -scale "1x1^!" ^
     -set option:FR %%[fx:u.g/u.r] ^
     -set option:FB %%[fx:u.g/u.b] ^
     +delete ^
  ^) ^
  -channel R -evaluate Multiply %%[FR] ^
  -channel B -evaluate Multiply %%[FB] ^
  +channel ^
  -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB ^
-define "quantum:format=floating-point" -depth 32 ^
+write x.miff ^
  +write x.jpg ^
  %sCROP% ^
  -scale "1x1^!" ^
  -format "COL=#%%[hex:p{0,0}]" ^
  info:`) do set %%L

echo COL=%COL%

COL is #7E4E99CE7A9EBF9E5E046B04, or roughly #7E7B5E.

As I say, I like this intermediate result, x.jpg:

Here comes the clever bit. Transform to a new colorspace with 2 colour channels and a lightness channel. Channel 0 is the “yellowness/blueness” where yellow is the hue of the average colour in the patch of fur. Channel 1 is the orthogonal colour channel. Channel 3 is lightness. The colorspace is defined by a matrix from sRGB:

  0.295412, 0.204585, -0.5
  -0.429262, 0.5, -0.0707384
  0.2, 0.7, 0.1

(I haven’t yet published the software that calculates the matrix, the process module “colsp012”.) The inverse matrix, from the new colorspace back to sRGB, is:

  0.422527, -1.57289, 1
  0.122187, 0.550004, 1
  -1.70036, -0.704252, 1

Values can be negative. We adjust channel 0 to push values towards zero. We could simply multiply by 0.25 or whatever, but I prefer an S-curve, which mean first adding 0.5, applying an S-curve centred at 0.5, then subtracting 0.5.

%IM7DEV%magick ^
  x.miff ^
  -process 'colsp012 color %COL% f stdout v' ^
  -channel 0 -evaluate Add 50%% -clamp +sigmoidal-contrast 10,50%% -evaluate Subtract 50%% +channel ^
  -process 'colsp012 color %COL% inverse f stdout v' ^

x1c.jpg is:


Thanks @snibgo for letting me bother you about white balancing.

No bother, @afre. Anytime.

Above, you said “I ended up guided filtering the GB channels with R.” Can you expand on that? What product(s) did you use?

I ask because I have just written a script for guided filters, and am still playing with it.

My command is as follows

gmic cat.jpg split c afre_gui1[1,2] [0],1,1e0,0 append c cut 0,255

Indices 0,1,2 correspond to RGB channels respectively. I am using the R channel because it contains the most info as shown in post #10.

Take 2. Same algorithm but with different ratios and less code. This one doesn’t produce the magenta but neutralizes it. Still doesn’t look quite right.

PS Part of the problem might be neglecting to convert sRGB to linear RGB…