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That is similar to my request re G’MIC a while back. To extend that idea, I wonder if we could get a feature where one could use a third party (CLI) app. E.g., PF could pipe its current buffer to gmic (or any other app) and then the result would be sent back to a new layer. Maybe some form of this already exists in PF but I forgot or am unaware about it…?

It would greatly benefit my current workflow, as G’MIC and many of the other CLI apps that I regularly use don’t have color management capabilities, and I don’t want to export, import and configure settings for every intermediary file I need to make use of. The third benefit would be giving the user control over updating his or her own app without waiting for a PF update. I guess the user would have to scale or cut the data to fit an acceptable range so that the third party app would be able to understand the input. That would probably be the most challenging part.