PhotoFlow News and Updates

Let me wrap up all what you observed and reported, and do some tests. I hope I will be able to finally get back to you in some days with some concrete solutions!

I admit I have been awfully side-tracked over the past weeks, and did not pay enough attention to the bug reports. I hope to catch up with my homework now that the local laplacian experiments are concretizing a bit…

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Sorry for being vague when it comes to these reports. Hope they help. My mind, body and soul have been melting due to taking care of ill parents 24/7/365. :cry:

Oh and closing a raw image tab still crashes the app… :slight_smile:

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I have just merged the new-caching branch into stable.

The new code does not introduce any new tools, instead brings an improved managing of layer caching. The new caching mechanism is based on a global pool of tiles, the size of which can be adjusted in the options:

The default value of 1000MB gives good performances with a reasonable memory footprint.

A special thank to @gadolf, @paulmiller and @afre for their precious help in debugging the new code!

The new caching mechanism has also been merged into the simplified-pipeline branch, if anyone is interested.

Packages are available for download at the usual link: Release Continuous build · aferrero2707/PhotoFlow · GitHub


Would an input field be better than a slider? Easier to control for those of us with less dexterity.

You are right… can be both, like for all other sliders in the tool dialogs.

I just pushed a first implementation of an histogram with extended range.

A checkbox allows to select wether or not to clip the histogram to the [0, 1] range.
When not clipped, the histogram will show the distribution of all the values in the image, with vertical dashed lines marking 0 and 1:


Next step will be a selector to switch the horizontal scale between linear, perceptual and log2 representation…


Oh, so nicely done!

I did similar for rawproc 0.9, but the wxWidgets drawing tools don’t give me the nice plot. Probably just my lack of time to devote to proper line-draw scaling…

FWIW, I’ve found having the EV stops plotted, around a configurable EV0, to be more useful than the data scaling…

Nice! Unclipped mode makes it very easy to tell if you have any highlight clipping because the ‘1.0’ marker moves away from the right hand edge.

Work in progress: a histogram for the RAW values.

Currently it can show the full range of values:

or the detail of the shadows range:

or the values around the white point:

The code is not committed yet. Next step is to introduce the option to plot the histogram after the WB multipliers have been applied.

Suggestions are welcome!!!


Thought of a neat idea. Could we have a histogram tool that could select any layer or step? I mention step because a single module may have multiple modifications; e.g., raw developer.


I have a question. On, the settings option at the top there is a tick box for ‘load default profile’. Does this mean that you can apply a default profile to all new images. How does this work? Thanks!


Layer panel: can toggle on/off checkbox using mouse outside of checkbox.

Save prompt on exit: cannot cancel; prompt pops up again. Remove cancel button.

Export overwrite prompt: yes and no buttons are inconsistently reversed.

Confirmed, I will have a look

Correct, in will swap them

I suspect this is a GTK “feature”, but I’ll check anyhow


During the past weeks I have worked on fixing several bugs, some of which were long-standing ones:

  • a reproducible crash when closing image tabs. The fix involved quite some re-wiring of the image deletion code…
  • an issue with the image updating when drag-n-dropping layers, where in some cases the layers above the dragged one would not be updated
  • the file extension shown in the file chooser of the image export dialog was always “.jpg” regardless of the image format actually chosen. Now “.tif” is correctly appended when saving to TIFF format

Still on my TODO list…

This really seems to be something coming from GTK. I have no idea how to fix it…

In addition to bug fixes, I am working on an enhanced unsharp mask tool. For the moment the code is only available in a dedicated enhanced-usm branch, but I plan to merge the changes into the stable branch quite soon…

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Okay, it is a minor quibble really. But it can be a real time waster having to wait for the changes to process and cache.

I have fixed the behavior of the cancel button. Now it interrupts the application exit and brings you back to the edited image…

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Here is a summary of recent activities:

  • the enhanced USM branch is now merged into stable, so it is available in the “standard” development packages
  • talking about packages, I have re-named and re-organized the development packages so that finding the latest one for your system should be much easier now:
  • I have fixed few bugs that were introduced by recent changes to the processing pipeline. In particular, the output of tools with interactive control points in the preview area (like the path mask and the gradient) was not correctly updated when adding/moving the control points
  • I have fixed a discrepancy in colors in the RAW developer output between 1:1 and 1:2 or lower zoom levels

Next step will be to merge the simplified pipeline branch into stable, after which I will further focus on bug fixes and UI improvements. The goal would be to have a new release at the beginning of next year…


I am working on the UI layout of the tools dialogs, trying to achieve a more compact and polished look. Here are some examples of the result I have so far:

What do you think? Any suggestions?

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The label for your combo box needs padding/margin on the left.

I don’t mind the margin / padding.

I would like to see a bit more consistency between panels.
– The graphs look different: one is square, centred and has stuff above it.
– The graphs aren’t labelled.
– Text are sometimes title case, sentence case or lowercase.