Ok I will check it this week-end, my Friend! I live at my wife’s house but I have my computer at my home. But recently the door of my apartment was forced, I brought my 1080 Ti graphic card back to Marie-Claire’s house so I can’t use my computer, I must re-install Mint 19,1 at home…I will check it.
Me, I am ok but now I live in Ardennes (Givet) et not at Lille in north of France. I changed since my Marie-Claire’s discovery… I am gardener now because my house has one and my landscape is very beautiful. Ardennes is a forest country with little villages: I love!
On Windows, cannot save the PFI of 20190820_Südpark_Blüten_8112_B.DNG using photoflow-w64-20190807_2112-git-simplified-pipeline.
PS Another thing I noticed is when negative clipping is on in raw developer and I export the image into another colour profile I still get negative values. Edit Perhaps include an option to clip negatives and overflow at this stage as well.
PPS I find that RT’s auto-CA performs better than PF’s one. Any chance it could be included? It is a part of librtprocess now.
PPPS This is unsubstantiated but I find myself never using lens correction (distortion) anymore. (Edit: and vignetting doesn’t seem to do anything.) For some reason, I feel that it is accentuating the distortion rather than fixing it. Let me explain. When the correction is an outward barrel, it looks like it is stretching the corners too much; and vice versa. Could it be that the correction is reversed or that the correction already happened? In any case, it doesn’t feel that it is doing it right, whereas RT and dt appear okay. Thoughts?
Speaking of lens correction, I really appreciate RT’s auto-CA. Now that it is in the librtprocess, would you mind porting it over to PF?
Enough with the PSs. This next issue is really bothering me.
Whenever PF is processing something, it does so until completion; however, if it is an intensive operation or I want to do something else, it either makes the app unresponsive to other input or it becomes unstable and / or crashes. E.g., I had to close PF just now because Gamut Mapping in the Colorspace Conversion module was taking a while and I proceeded to toggle Black Point correction, but I couldn’t because the GUI was unresponsive and the console seemed to be in a long (or infinite) loop.
Let me wrap up all what you observed and reported, and do some tests. I hope I will be able to finally get back to you in some days with some concrete solutions!
I admit I have been awfully side-tracked over the past weeks, and did not pay enough attention to the bug reports. I hope to catch up with my homework now that the local laplacian experiments are concretizing a bit…
Sorry for being vague when it comes to these reports. Hope they help. My mind, body and soul have been melting due to taking care of ill parents 24/7/365.
Oh and closing a raw image tab still crashes the app…
I have just merged the new-caching branch into stable.
The new code does not introduce any new tools, instead brings an improved managing of layer caching. The new caching mechanism is based on a global pool of tiles, the size of which can be adjusted in the options:
I just pushed a first implementation of an histogram with extended range.
A checkbox allows to select wether or not to clip the histogram to the [0, 1] range.
When not clipped, the histogram will show the distribution of all the values in the image, with vertical dashed lines marking 0 and 1:
Next step will be a selector to switch the horizontal scale between linear, perceptual and log2 representation…
I did similar for rawproc 0.9, but the wxWidgets drawing tools don’t give me the nice plot. Probably just my lack of time to devote to proper line-draw scaling…
FWIW, I’ve found having the EV stops plotted, around a configurable EV0, to be more useful than the data scaling…
Thought of a neat idea. Could we have a histogram tool that could select any layer or step? I mention step because a single module may have multiple modifications; e.g., raw developer.
I have a question. On, the settings option at the top there is a tick box for ‘load default profile’. Does this mean that you can apply a default profile to all new images. How does this work? Thanks!
During the past weeks I have worked on fixing several bugs, some of which were long-standing ones:
a reproducible crash when closing image tabs. The fix involved quite some re-wiring of the image deletion code…
an issue with the image updating when drag-n-dropping layers, where in some cases the layers above the dragged one would not be updated
the file extension shown in the file chooser of the image export dialog was always “.jpg” regardless of the image format actually chosen. Now “.tif” is correctly appended when saving to TIFF format
Still on my TODO list…
This really seems to be something coming from GTK. I have no idea how to fix it…
In addition to bug fixes, I am working on an enhanced unsharp mask tool. For the moment the code is only available in a dedicated enhanced-usm branch, but I plan to merge the changes into the stable branch quite soon…