[Play Raw] Dockland lights

I mentioned evilbuildings, but the more I looked at it, the more I wanted it to be hopeful. I present to you the Lunar Space Elevator where the UV back light is so very intense.

1. PhotoFlow → WB (none) → HL (blend mode) → DM (AMaZE, Lin Rec.2020, clip negatives).
2. gmic → B&W (copy) → dark and bright output.
3. enfuse → fuse dark and bright.
4. gmic → brighten → add contrast.
5. pnmclahe → add local contrast.
6. gmic → blend result with original to regain “colour” → negative → rotate → crop → resize → sharpen → add textures → zoom 100% to enjoy!

A bit late to the party, but this is such a nice image to work on… Thanks for that!

Here’s my take on it in darktable. I tried to go for a cinematic, somewhat moody atmosphere.

EOS_70D_IMG_0337.CR2.xmp (5.8 KB)