[Play Raw] I've seen things you people wouldn't believe

Yes, great!

My try with darktable.

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BRC_2668.NEF.xmp (6.8 KB)


No doubt of a giant of yore.

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Thanks again @FBulovic for the fabulous image! It was a pleasure working on it.

@Thomas_Do @afre here’s my try:

“… the evening of July the 12th 1925. It is day 21 of the expedition, of which, upon its completion, I may soon be allowed to officially write about. The river is steady and slow; steadfast in trying our patience at each move, while the mosquitoes feast upon us incessantly. Yesterday I photographed, as we passed by it, what might just be a sign that our sacrifice might yet pay off; a colossus of a stone figure, which, be it the skull of an ancient creature too large to comprehend, embedded into the foliage, or the likeness of some deity worshiped by the inhabiting tribes that as of yet still keep their distance, or simply an omen for impeding doom… something most certainly is afoot.”

EDIT: BRC_2668-3.jpg.out.pp3 (13.2 KB)
RESIZING: BRC_2668-3.jpg.out.pp3 (10.9 KB)

Such a strong expression! I mean I don’t know if this looked like a skull/ape-like face/ Jabba the Hutt to any of you guys, but that’s the first thing I thought when I looked at it. This needed to have the facial features somehow brought out and when there is demand for epic I tend to go for black and white. If I weren’t so stubborn to get the whole edit out of a one-time overall application of effects, I suppose I would save it as a TIFF and load it into Gimp and dodge the rock face a bit more. I am however mostly happy with the look of a mildly underexposed but slightly pushed negative :slight_smile: (yes Ansel Adams fan here).

What did I exactly do in this edit? Not entirely sure, I built the edit on what I did to the dead wasp from [PlayRaw] Something different: The dead wasp and turned the whole mess to BW then sharpened and yeah. Epic fun times! thanks again :heart:


OMG @FBulovic!

That’s a clear warning sign! Do not even try to see what is behind this mountain! We don’t want to awaken anything there! :gorilla:

Darktable and GIMP.

BRC_2668.NEF.xmp (14,5 KB)


Leopards are hanging around, on the right in caves you can find them. I really do not want to find them.

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Very wise decision! May the Gods of Reason continue to guide you so. :raised_hands:

Not really into killing animals and climbing there I got really good chance to be killed by leopard. Like I could climb there :joy::joy::joy:

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a childish version

BRC_2668_01.NEF.xmp (20.3 KB)
Thanks, Filip, for going to the leopard territories for us.


Second time you have done that. Are you making a (political or cultural) statement about the rich and famous? :face_with_monocle:

A childish statement I am making. Enjoying the watermark tool, and words, included in a clumsy way. If this is too intimidating, I will never do it again. Most likely.
Be well!

(And Hollywood loves such a kind of things.)
(Smiling emoji, blinking and waving here.)

Sorry, I don’t find you intimidating. :see_no_evil: Just eternally curious.


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BRC_2668_02.NEF.xmp (7.5 KB)


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I would also like to add a b/w version:

BRC_2668.NEF.xmp (7.4 KB)


Strange creation of nature! Thanks @FBulovic for sharing with us.
BRC_2668-1.jpg.out.pp3 (12.0 KB)

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You are welcome

Here’s an RT version.

Did the automatic exposure and reset the contrast, then did basically everything with the Lab tool (if have been asked to make a youtube tutorial on this, so might as well practice). Very much inspired by the approach that @s7habo shows in his very nice editing moments, like this one:
