Hi! This thread looked as a good opportunity to prepare another sample of scene-referred editing so I played with the files too
I used dcraw to produce linear tiffs as discussed in this thread then produced a simple stacking of three exposures (EV0 +2EV -2EV) using Blender’s nodal compositor.
The result is a scene referred image with wide dynamic range, so you have a lot of room to apply any creative grading afterwards.
dcraw -T -4 -w -n 100 -q 3 [raw file]
It may look scary for people not used to nodal compositing, but it’s actually quite simple. If anyone is interested I can upload the blend file.
This is the stacked image through the Filmic Blender view with medium-high contrast. (the output of the big frame on the left)
This one has a little of colour grading. Only three operations (curves, colour balance and saturation correct).
I hope you like it
EDIT And now the blend file:
Stacking-NodeTree.blend (531.8 KB)
…And now the link to the tiff files too.
The .blend file included in the compressed file with the images has a little bug I just fixed. Use the .blend file attached above.
I kept playing with the file and added a few more nodes. Now it has some unsharp-mask and clarity/local-contrast. Those operations were re-created using the existing compositing operations. For those interested, selecting the node and pressing tab enters the group and exposes the operations inside.
Stacking-NodeTree.blend (596.9 KB) Added filters