[Play Raw] Misty Manhattan

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I gave it a light touch. First DT with lensfun correction and a bit of levels, followed by GIMP (levels…again) and GMIC with the Freaky Details on a separate layer at 50% opacity.

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and one hdr-ish versione in gimp

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Everything done in RT 5.6

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RT then resized and sharpened in the GIMP. :wink: Like to see what the final sharpening does.
There seemed to be some noise in the sky in the full sized png so should have looked at that in RT. Applied some reduction in the GIMP.

DSCF8016.RAF.xmp (6.1 KB)

misty.manhattan.fujifilm.x-e3.raf.xmp (10.2 KB) darktable 3.0.1

My attempt to create the impression of clarity.

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I want to go shoot around New York! Here’s mine with most adjustments in DT and refined in GIMP.

DSCF8016.RAF.xmp (13.9 KB)

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Great view, here’s my take in darktable 3.1 and 3D-LUT (no xmp)

DSCF8016.RAF.xmp (11.6 KB)

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here is my own contribution released with the last version of darktable

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HEY! I see my building! I see me in the window, taking a picture of your helicopter! How crazy! Seriously, I wonder how much that really happens, because you definitely are looking in my windows, and I’ve been here 33 years. :slight_smile:

You know, those of you resizing the RAW are cheating, you’re getting noise reduction and SNR boost by downsampling. Cheaters. Your entries don’t count.

Mike_Bing’s is probably emulating what reality is/was, and very nice! Although those with uncalibrated screens and cell phones will love the “pop” of McCap’s. Love sovereign’s too, not sure why, it’s just “so nyc” although maybe the filthy '70s NYC but still love the warmth. And pphoto made a downsized postcard! You better take back that share-alike license, he’s gonna sell your image! :non-potable_water:

Should use the opportunity here to mention that since you took a bet-it-wasnt-free helicopter ride and probably asked the pilot for that “iconic NYC shot” location, you can afford UV haze filters.

What I mean is: get some UV haze filters! They’re not just the clear kind we use for lens protection, you know. I’m partial to B&W F-Pro 010 UV Haze, but I have heard good things about the newer nanocoated thin ones, the XS-Pro series, and there are a few good other manufacturers. Hit up any photography review site and decide.

This is the kind of shot when I understand why people go to the trouble of mounting large-format film cameras on stabilizer gimbals and then scanning them at gigapixel resolution, or rent a 150MP Phase One IQ4 & lens at $500+ for the day… but they’d still benefit from high-quality UV Haze filtering. :slight_smile:

They do count. Play Raw is about creativity and sharing your process with others. Resizing is a part of posting (easier on storage and the server) unless there is a specific challenge not to do so.

Can’t wait to see what you come up with. Welcome to the forum!

Really? Good to know! I thought it was about everyone taking a shot at exposing a complex scene, but you’re saying, anything goes, we can turn it into an art project more than photo processing?

Ah yes yes you are right, I do see people mention crazy stuff like using greycstoration filters, that’s definitely in the category of post-processing… I was thinking it was just in the exposure part.

g’mic yes yes I hate name changes :slight_smile: I still refer to hugin as panotools too, I’ll go kick Pablo some more about that.

PS: What are we going to do now, though? RAW processing used to be about taking a high-bit full sensor data and exposing data as colors down to a measly 16M colors. But when was the last time you saved an image not 16bpp?

Even crappy $1000 laptops come with 10 even 12-bit 4k displays now, and next year we’ll trade our 4k HDR TVs for 8Ks. Most of us have 32G RAM or more, our phones are 8-core SoCs, and our GPUs that rival supercomputers of the '70s. Processing power in abundance as far as RT processing goes, it can be considered realtime even on my gigapan 250MP composites.

I mean Samsung is chugging out 50MP and 108MP sensors that rival CMOS, apparently not intended for cameras but freaking smartphones? I think they’re mad as us for sticking with Canon/Nikon/Sony/etc. I wonder if the world will move back to the lightfield capture where all exposures are one? That will make the exposure part even more “artistic”, won’t it?

Still not sure I agree with downscaling not being “cheating” but if that’s the rules, that’s the rules. :smiley:

Okay, let’s keep this conversation to a minimal. That is for the Lounge category. As I hinted,

Also remember to include your sidecar or processing steps. Drag and drop.

darktable 3.1

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I like that Kochachromy, oversaturated vibe with the blue shadows. Very cool look! And it brings out the green/blue color graduations in the water nicely! One of my favorite renditions so far, if a bit more on the artistic side.

The flight was actually surprisingly affordable. The ticket was on a 50% sale, and they upgraded us to the half-hour flight for tiny fee, as someone else had canceled theirs. I think we payed $300 all told for half an hour and two people. Also, UV filters are largely useless on digital cameras, as far as I can tell.

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lower Manhattan.png.out.pp3 (11.6 KB)
DEVELOPED USING ; RT: V-5.8 & GIMP: V-2.10.20


@Saleh_Dura Welcome! Has an old postcard feel to it.

my take,darktable 3.0.2, hope you like it!!

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