[Play Raw] Pools of Light

Here is essentially darktable 2.7 (yes, I need to update to 3.0) attempt with just a dash of GIMP in the end.
DSCF1978.RAF.xmp (22.3 KB)


DSCF1978.RAF.xmp (11.9 KB)


DSCF1978_b.pfi (35.0 KB)

RT: Basic processing, plus some toning (DSCF1978.RAF.pp3 (12.7 KB) )

Gimp: Local Dodging and a slight Orton effect

Second take, color.

DSCF1978_01.RAF.xmp (11.7 KB) (dt 3.0)

In my apprentice workflow, I almost never rely on the new tools solely, I only use them to compress dynamic range and give every tone a chance to be fairly displayed. Usually, tone eq. and filmic give a more tone balanced image, but still dull to my eyes. When I get to that point, then I start beautifying the image to my taste.

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I like what you did with the colour contrast in the clouds. I hadn’t noticed those streaks of light filtering through before.

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thanks :smile:
Actually this was only a “sloppy” edit but I wanted to participate in this “discussion” because I had not participated in a play raw discussion in a long time and I liked your photo. (Afterall if I upload a raw to playraw I expect reactions too…)
Well, you have the xmp file, but maybe a word about how I did it: I think I used the contrast equalizer, pulled all parts of the L-curve to the top (kind of extreme clarity) and then tried to limit the effect to the sky with a parametric mask.
But as I said, this is sloppy.

DT 3.0.0rco DSCF1978.RAF.xmp (7.5 KB)

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RT 5.7

DSCF1978.jpg.out.pp3 (12,4 KB)

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So here’s also my try (darktable 3.0).

DSCF1978.RAF.xmp (13.1 KB)

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Nice shot!
Darktable 2.6.0

DSCF1978.RAF.xmp (7.4 KB)

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I don’t think the dynamic range is that wide. I went for a quite natural look, using ART:

DSCF1978.RAF.arp (8.5 KB)


DSCF1978.RAF.xmp (5.8 KB) DSCF1978_01.RAF.xmp (6.3 KB)


I tried it with Filmulator.

I gave it 0.0198 of shadow rolloff, 78 drama, lowered the white clipping point, and then played around with the Film Area until it emphasized the dappled light.


@steve-d-mottram Lovely image. Bookmarked for future play.

Hi @carvac - I like this version a lot - it’s the kind of more natural interpretation I was trying to achieve. I also like @sguyader 's ART version for the same reason.


Finally got a chance to mess around a bit with this image.

To edit this image I used Darktable with Filmic RGB, Tone Equalizer, RGB Curves (with gradient) for the sky. Applied some sharpening with contrast equalizer, upped saturation with color balance, applied a touch of local contrast using both the local contrast module defaults as well as a low pass filter soft light trick, lastly tweaked the white balance to warm it a touch and added a tiny bit of magenta tint. Then I moved the image to gimp. I did a touch of dodge and burn to accentuate the light on the hills using luminosity selections. Then used a midtone luminosity mask to add some mood using curves. Then added a subtle vignette to pull the eye a bit more through the nice leading lines.

Hope you like it. Sorry if a little too moody for you I really like moody images :smile: @steve-d-mottram

Darktable 3.0.0 RC1: DSCF1978.RAF.xmp (10.0 KB)


Hi @blj - I don’t mind a moody interpretation at all. It’s a very nice processing of the file. It’s great that everyone sees something different and tries different things!

Thanks to everyone who had a go with this file. I learned a lot, and some of your processing approaches suggested different ways of tackling it. Some things I picked up:

  • There are many different ways of seeing this scene, and I shouldn’t get too obsessed about trying to reproduce exactly what I saw.
  • I should have made sure my monitor is set to the right mode (really!). I only picked up on this when I noticed that everyone else’s images looked quite dark.
  • I was trying to increase contrast in Filmic RGB, which forced me to reduce latitude to avoid clipping. This in turn meant that a lot of the tonal range had reduced saturation.
  • The monochrome interpretations made me think of using the channel mixer, and I discovered that by using the “colour contrast” preset, I could bring out the light pools.

Here’s another attempt, after absorbing all these points, using Filmic RGB with reduced contrast, more careful use of Contrast Equaliser, Tone Equaliser to manage the sky tones, Channel Mixer to bring out the light, and a Lut3D with a Fujifilm Provia emulation to get colours I like.

DSCF1978_04.RAF.xmp (12.1 KB)


I couldn’t get the hills to do anything I liked (I reckon the time of day of the shot is making things hard regarding shadows and colours), so I de-emphasised them and made it about the sky, trying to bring out a little of the rays. :slight_smile:

Darktable 2.6: DSCF1978.RAF.xmp (9.8 KB)

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