[Play Raw] You can run but you can't hide

Thanks for then image, my try in darktable.

20180902-134023-5712.DNG.xmp (8.3 KB)


Natural look:

darktable: 20180902-134023-5712.DNG.xmp (7.0 KB)

Retro look:

darktable: 20180902-134023-5712_01.DNG.xmp (7.8 KB)


I fixed the link now. Thanks for catching

20180902-134023-5712.DNG.xmp (11.4 KB)
As for a retro look, 20180902-134023-5712_01.DNG.xmp (12.4 KB)


@Thomas_Do @msd @sls141 your retro versions look very nice! Did you use any dt styles ?

No. Basically used the b&w film preset in color zones, lowered the contrast, softened a little with the equalizer’s clarity preset to a negative value and a vignette that brightened instead of darkened.

No, just freestyle :wink: .

Thanks. I didn’t use any style. Used tone curve for the faded look, color correction for split toning, and color zones for cross processing.

Vignette in RawTherapee 5.4-dev for old-timey lens look, raw converted in Filmulator 1.0.0b1.20180902-134023-5712-output.tif.pp3 (10.3 KB)

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Tried to give a 70mm spaghetti western look! Main efforts were to get the horse evenly lit, remove the bluish tone and accentuate the sunny feel.
20180902-134023-5712.jpg.out.pp3 (11.9 KB)

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More abrasive slop from me thanks to a ‘DCP dehaze’ algorithm and a lot of local normalisation:


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Here version 2 in bleach-bypass look.

20180902-134023-5712.DNG.xmp (8.3 KB)

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Nice shot @Andrius !

Movie time :wink:

Made with GIMP and G’MIC.
Dream smoothing filter in G’MIC, some motion blur and film strips in GIMP.


@Andrius This was a fun PlayRaw. Thanks for sharing!

Here is my take. My first few steps attempted to deal with the motion blur but then I pivoted and made it painterly. Reminds me of Color Choosing Paradox, also Warmer vs Cooler - #3 by briend.

1. PhotoFlow → HL mode (blend) → linear Rec2020 (no clipping) → 32f
2. gmic → enhance contrast (residual) → RL deblur (low freq) → rotate → crop → adjust contrast, brightness (curves) A → my blueprint filter (unreleased) B → blend A,B → adjust contrast, brightness (curves) → sharpen (LoG) → resize

Zoom to 100% and enjoy!


Looks unusual but I actually quite like it!

This crop ratio is definitely my favorite!

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Great work! It looks like a shot from a magazine

I do have a next shot in case you want to put it as #2 in your film roll :slight_smile:

:smile: No need. At 25 frames per second, the changes are not significant. :wink:

By the way, when I was still at school, I often enjoyed sitting in the evening in our small local cinema in the room with the cinema operator. Back then he always had to glue two big rolls of film together and for that he always had to cut the ends. Then I was allowed to take the leftovers with me and there were often two frames from the middle of the film. So I had a small collection at home, which I watched in my room with Slide Projector :slight_smile:


(OT) If I may ask, what is the destiny of the scared animal, when the event is over?