I think the bird is absolutely fine. Good brightness, good clarity, not much to complain about. I’m struggling more with the greens. All in all a little bit too bright and too saturated for my taste.
Just as a hint and of course just my personal opinion which can certainly be disputed.
Thank you @gigaturbo for the raw files!
Finally on vacation and with some spare time to play and experiment. Here is my take using a custom film simulation tool.
This blue flower version from dqpcoxeas talks to me.
Just a bit of play with the ultimate masking tool (aka cropping) and creating lightness contrast by lifting the greens via the new color equalizer. I also liked the fully desaturated / highlighted greens that bring up the falling rain droplets.
DSCF8034.RAF.xmp (17.9 KB)
I’m using color balance RBG to dodge and burn in darktable with drawn/parametric masks, but the Selective Editing tool of RT seems to have a very powerful automatic masking strategy
The Ilford series of tutorial is very nice! Will improve my analog darkroom skills with this
The more you know about analog, the better your digital will be!