[PlayRaw] Boppard Church

This photo shows the church of Boppard, Germany. Lense is a SMC Pentax-M 28mm F2.8.

License is CC BY-NC 4.0
20180811_Koblenz_516_Boppard_Innenstadt.DNG (16.7 MB)


20180811_Koblenz_516_Boppard_Innenstadt.DNG.xmp (10,9 KB)

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Here’s my submission done in RT 5.5. Cropped out the distracting parts of the bottom and probably could have gone up even further. Used curves to adjust contrast. Interestingly, this was shot on a sunny day, but the ‘Sunny’ setting for WB in RT gave a distinctive green cast. I selected parts of the roof for neutral gray until I got what I wanted. Started to feather in some film simulations until I thought better of it. If I knew more about architectural photography I would play with the perspective to straighten out some of the lines.

Thanks for making this available to edit.


@Rick there’s not enough room around the building to fix the perspective and avoid the church itself being pushed off the frame boundaries.

@pphoto Wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing!

Adjust the tint after setting the WB to the “Sunny” preset. All of the presets appear to set the tint to 1.

there’s not enough room around the building to fix the perspective and avoid the church itself being pushed off the frame boundaries.

Good to know; that’s probably why I’m not an architectural photographer.

That would explain a lot. Thanks for the explanation.

20180811_Koblenz_516_Boppard_Innenstadt.DNG.pp3 (12.5 KB)

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20180811_Koblenz_516_Boppard_Innenstadt.DNG.xmp (4.9 KB)
20180811_Koblenz_516_Boppard_Innenstadt_01.DNG.xmp (5.8 KB)

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20180811_Koblenz_516_Boppard_Innenstadt.jpg.out.pp3 (12,5 KB)

here is my contribution with darktable 2.60

20180811_Koblenz_516_Boppard_Innenstadt.DNG.xmp (4,8 Ko)

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