I know the point of colour management… I also know that the way filmic v6 picks it profile to do the gamut mapping is that it basically breaks colour management .
By choosing a profile that you cannot change and have no control over , and isn’t always the correct one for the situation.
The more and more i try to explain this , the more it gets clearer that the one and only issue is that filmic v6 ignores any softproofing.
You can already pick a profile to use for softproofing, you can already enable or disable softproofing… Make filmic respect it. That’s all.
Somebody explain softproofing to me. Because maybe I’m just wrong on how it works or what the purpose is .
But in my mind , soft proofing is basically done by forcing an extra conversion step. So normally you go from working profile to display profile and then on screen. With softproofing you go from working profile , to a profile of your choosing , to your display profile and on screen.
So if i want to export a file linear rec2020, and convert it to sRGB in a later step, i basically want to softproof how the export would look if done to linear rec2020 , and then to my display profile (assume sRGB for this).
I can’t , because filmic still picks my display profile to do its gamut mapping , even with softproofing enabled but when export time comes , it suddenly switches to a different profile.
I know my monitor can’t handle rec2020 , but that is exactly what i want to see. I want to see the colors clipping , because that’s what the final export looks like. Now i get a magic fix i didn’t ask for.
Filmic inserts itself in the whole colour management workflow , but doesn’t let you choose the profile it works with. Just think about that, how crazy is that ?
There needs to be a way to tell filmic what your intended profile is going to be . Softproofing profile (and if softproofing enabled ) is the perfect place for that . But just using the profile in the ‘output profile’ module would also help .
Just thinking out loud. Imagine the reverse situation. I want to export to a narrow gamut profile, but my monitor is way wider than that. Imagine you have a monitor with full Adobe rgb coverage, or some other wide but realistic one (dci-p3?).
Filmic will always map the gamut to the display profile , so to Adobe rgb kind of gamut . But in export time , it will do it do sRGB of that is what we’re exporting. So it will do way stronger gamut mapping. You have NO way to preview that , without first trying a test export. No where can you tell filmic ‘do the mapping to sRGB’ and then preview it on your adobergb monitor (which is perfectly capable of it ).