It’s weird because I have even less than that and it works perfectly:
0.811893 [opencl_init] device 0 `Quadro M2200' has sm_20 support.
0.812055 [opencl_init] device 0 `Quadro M2200' supports image sizes of 16384 x 16384
0.812060 [opencl_init] device 0 `Quadro M2200' allows GPU memory allocations of up to 1010MB
[opencl_init] device 0: Quadro M2200
MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES: [ 1024 1024 64 ]
0.856024 [opencl_init] options for OpenCL compiler: -w -cl-fast-relaxed-math -DNVIDIA_SM_20=1 -DNVIDIA=1 -I"/opt/darktable/share/darktable/kernels"
63,301325 [dev] took 0,000 secs (0,000 CPU) to load the image.
63,413158 [export] creating pixelpipe took 0,099 secs (0,250 CPU)
63,413187 [pixelpipe_process] [export] using device 0
63,413224 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,000 secs (0,000 CPU) initing base buffer [export]
63,427966 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,015 secs (0,013 CPU) processed `point noir/blanc raw' on GPU, blended on GPU [export]
63,439290 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,011 secs (0,006 CPU) processed `balance des blancs' on GPU, blended on GPU [export]
63,657938 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,219 secs (0,115 CPU) processed `dématriçage' on GPU, blended on GPU [export]
63,689078 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,031 secs (0,018 CPU) processed `correction des objectifs' on GPU, blended on GPU [export]
63,728183 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,039 secs (0,026 CPU) processed `exposition' on GPU, blended on GPU [export]
64,456505 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,728 secs (2,702 CPU) processed `égaliseur de ton' on CPU, blended on CPU [export]
64,621579 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,165 secs (1,181 CPU) processed `égaliseur de ton 1' on CPU, blended on CPU [export]
64,713158 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,092 secs (0,088 CPU) processed `profil de couleur d'entrée' on GPU, blended on GPU [export]
image colorspace transform Lab-->RGB took 0,029 secs (0,018 GPU) [channelmixerrgb ]
64,819916 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,107 secs (0,072 CPU) processed `calibration des couleurs' on GPU, blended on GPU [export]
64,884695 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] use tiling on module 'diffuse' for image with full size 7374 x 4924
64,884706 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] (5 x 3) tiles with max dimensions 3832 x 3833 and overlap 1024
64,884714 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (0, 0) with 3832 x 3833 at origin [0, 0]
83,859892 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (0, 1) with 3832 x 3139 at origin [0, 1785]
99,507791 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (1, 0) with 3832 x 3833 at origin [1784, 0]
118,548666 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (1, 1) with 3832 x 3139 at origin [1784, 1785]
134,191398 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (2, 0) with 3806 x 3833 at origin [3568, 0]
153,464296 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (2, 1) with 3806 x 3139 at origin [3568, 1785]
169,288535 [dev_pixelpipe] took 104,469 secs (104,629 CPU) processed `diffusion ou netteté' on GPU with tiling, blended on CPU [export]
169,288744 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] use tiling on module 'diffuse' for image with full size 7374 x 4924
169,288766 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] (2 x 1) tiles with max dimensions 4728 x 4924 and overlap 16
169,288768 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (0, 0) with 4728 x 4924 at origin [0, 0]
180,851588 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (1, 0) with 2678 x 4924 at origin [4696, 0]
185,238803 [dev_pixelpipe] took 15,950 secs (15,894 CPU) processed `diffusion ou netteté 1' on GPU with tiling, blended on CPU [export]
185,238982 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] use tiling on module 'diffuse' for image with full size 7374 x 4924
185,238986 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] (2 x 1) tiles with max dimensions 3956 x 4924 and overlap 64
185,238989 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (0, 0) with 3956 x 4924 at origin [0, 0]
212,373233 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (1, 0) with 3546 x 4924 at origin [3828, 0]
235,852099 [dev_pixelpipe] took 50,613 secs (48,805 CPU) processed `diffusion ou netteté 2' on GPU with tiling, blended on CPU [export]
236,136452 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,284 secs (0,274 CPU) processed `balance couleur rvb' on GPU, blended on GPU [export]
236,206395 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] use tiling on module 'filmicrgb' for image with full size 7374 x 4924
236,206407 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] (2 x 1) tiles with max dimensions 5388 x 4924 and overlap 512
236,206409 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (0, 0) with 5388 x 4924 at origin [0, 0]
236,382849 [default_process_tiling_cl_ptp] tile (1, 0) with 3010 x 4924 at origin [4364, 0]
236,519600 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,383 secs (0,333 CPU) processed `filmique rvb' on GPU with tiling, blended on CPU [export]
image colorspace transform RGB-->Lab took 0,018 secs (0,016 GPU) [colorout ]
236,749322 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,230 secs (0,197 CPU) processed `profil de couleur de sortie' on GPU, blended on GPU [export]
237,256079 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,507 secs (0,504 CPU) processed `homogénéisation' on CPU, blended on CPU [export]
237,391051 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,135 secs (0,637 CPU) processed `encodage écran' on CPU, blended on CPU [export]
237,391441 [opencl_profiling] profiling device 0 ('Quadro M2200'):
237,391446 [opencl_profiling] spent 2,3921 seconds in [Write Image (from host to device)]
237,391449 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0042 seconds in rawprepare_1f
237,391451 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0045 seconds in whitebalance_1f
237,391453 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0022 seconds in border_interpolate
237,391455 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0085 seconds in rcd_border_green
237,391457 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0108 seconds in rcd_border_redblue
237,391459 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0097 seconds in rcd_populate
237,391461 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0123 seconds in rcd_step_1_1
237,391463 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0065 seconds in rcd_step_1_2
237,391465 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0068 seconds in rcd_step_2_1
237,391467 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0183 seconds in rcd_step_3_1
237,391469 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0103 seconds in rcd_step_4_1
237,391471 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0029 seconds in rcd_step_4_2
237,391472 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0147 seconds in rcd_step_5_1
237,391474 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0235 seconds in rcd_step_5_2
237,391476 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0149 seconds in rcd_write_output
237,391478 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0521 seconds in [Copy Image (on device)]
237,391482 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0256 seconds in exposure
237,391485 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,7708 seconds in [Read Image (from device to host)]
237,391487 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0208 seconds in colorin_unbound
237,391488 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0238 seconds in colorspaces_transform_lab_to_rgb_matrix
237,391491 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0268 seconds in channelmixerrgb_CAT16
237,391493 [opencl_profiling] spent 98,7387 seconds in diffuse_blur_bspline
237,391496 [opencl_profiling] spent 69,2394 seconds in diffuse_pde
237,391499 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0362 seconds in colorbalancergb
237,391501 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0114 seconds in filmic_mask_clipped_pixels
237,391504 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0188 seconds in filmicrgb_chroma
237,391506 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0202 seconds in colorspaces_transform_rgb_matrix_to_lab
237,391509 [opencl_profiling] spent 0,0600 seconds in colorout
237,391511 [opencl_profiling] spent 171,5868 seconds totally in command queue (with 0 events missing)
237,391536 [dev_process_export] pixel pipeline processing took 173,978 secs (175,495 CPU)
It’s slow as hell too, but this is export so it hardly matters (you are not required in front of the computer while exporting).